
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

F is for Festive Feet

When I announced my A to Z Challenge theme of Pinterest challenges, I invited any and all to offer up pin suggestions. Only two people took me up on the offer; one of them was the lovely Sarah Summerlin of Amycake and the Dude.

This is the pin she recommended I try*:

Sarah's and my email exchange went something like this:

Sarah: OMG, please do this!
Me: Jabbing those skewers into my feet is really going to hurt, though.
Sarah: For the sake of the blog! Come on!
Me: I'll do it. One for the Gipper!

Fast forward to this evening. I stopped at Hobby Lobby and purchased supplies (if you're keeping track of how much I have spent on my A to Z Challenge theme so far, it's about $14,298), one package of Washi tape and some hemp cord (which will be used for another project later in the challenge). I already had bamboo skewers at home, and as I was getting them out of the drawer where they languish (I never use them for cooking and think I've had them since shortly after we got married over 20 years ago), I simultaneously pulled the skewers out of the bag, pointy end first, as I pushed the bag into the drawer so the whole thing wouldn't come out, and in the process drove two of the skewers INTO MY FINGERS. Did you absorb that? INTO my FINGERS. INTO. Meaning I pulled my hand out of the drawer and two of the skewers WERE STUCK INTO MY FINGERS AND STANDING THERE LIKE I WAS EDWARD SCISSORHANDS. I had to pull. them. out. 

Just short of needing a blood transfusion.

Once I got the bleeding to subside and the slight wave of nausea had passed, I took my big ass kitchen shears and nipped those death points off the ends of the skewers. 

The rest of the project was a relative breeze, except for the help I got from Ruby. The hardest part was folding the Washi tape in half over the pieces of cord and having them align properly.

Ruby trying to steal my skewers.

Ruby reaching up and trying to steal my Washi tape.

Bunting made...

...and attached to the skewers.

And now for the foot parade:

Great. My shoes are dusty.

Did I pull it off or what?!

My parade was very short, as walking with skewers stuck into your shoes, even if you've removed the death points, is not easy.

Pinterest win, baby!

*the pin I used was done as part of an April Fool's post at Apartment Therapy. Props to author Carrie McBride.


  1. OMG, you rocked the shoe bunting!!!! Except for the bloody fingers. I'm so sorry!

    1. I was only kidding about jabbing them into my feet, then I go and jab them into my fingers! I also find myself wanting to make teeny tiny bunting for other occasions....

  2. I guess I view most things on pintrest as an april fools joke so I didnt offer any when you were recruiting ideas.....

    1. So many of those pins are fake, fake, fake. If you click on them, you get a warning that it might lead you to a questionable site. If they know that, then why don't they just delete the pins like that? Huh?

  3. You could make different colors of buntings for different holidays! I'm sure your family members would love to have a parade each holiday. :-)

  4. These are definitely one of the silliest things I have ever, ever seen. But somehow you rocked it, in spite of the bleeding and stabbing. Bravo!

    1. Aren't they the silliest? And to think of the pain I endured!

  5. what was it that Samuel Johnson was reputed to have said, 'you sho is weird'

    lol… and, and! think of the holiday applications… I'm especially thinking 'Christmas'…. Merry Christmas from me and Tiny Tim!

  6. I will certainly remember this creative and wonderful project for the next time I wish to decorate my shoes with bunting. (don't hold your breath). lol I really love it, though.

    1. You really never know when something like this will come in handy.

  7. Awesome your own Sole Circus or parade - sorry for the bloodshed - but it was for a good cause

    pinterest wins i guess lolol

    1. Total win! And I took one for the team with the bloodshed.

  8. I love this idea of shoe bunting, it's so random. I have to admit, I also giggled way too much during this post, especially (unfortunately) at the shot of your wounds. Poor you!

    Cait @ Click's Clan

    1. When I think of how close those death sticks came from going UNDER my fingernails. Eeeeek!

  9. I had to come and read to see what the stabbing incident mentioned in G was... you're definitely suffering for your A to Z, bravo on your shoe parade!!

    Curling Stones for Lego People

    1. I didn't expect the A to Z Challenge to be so painful....
