
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Ten Things of Thankful, Tornado Style

My Ten Things of Thankful is going to be only one that is worth ten and more:

We were driving home from our last volleyball tournament less than an hour ago, with severe weather to our west. Our Red Cross tornado app was alerting us to tornado warnings as we drove (and if you don't already have that app and are in an area that is prone to tornadoes, I highly recommend you download it). As I looked to the west, I saw a tornado dipping down from the clouds, probably 20 miles from us. My husband was driving over 80 mph and not passing anyone. We got to my parents' home, which is 90 miles south of Kansas City and 60 miles north of Joplin. A few minutes later, the tornado sirens have sounded here, with a tornado spotted southwest of town, moving to the northeast. We are in the basement, as safe as we can be. There are more tornadoes around the area, with damage reported in extreme northeast Oklahoma and extreme southeast Kansas, very near Joplin.

But we are safe and hope to remain that way.


  1. Hope you continue to be safe, and that all damage is minimal :/ Thinking of you x

  2. prayers right now!

    1. It worked, Zoe. We're safe, although others not that far away weren't.

  3. This is worth all the thankfuls ever!! So glad you're safe.

  4. Worth ten times ten. Glad you're safe. Amen to that!

  5. Yikes, be safe. I read ten things of thankful in there:
    1) You have an app to help keep you safe.
    2) While the tornadoes were around you, they were not where you were.
    3) Your parents were closer to your location than home.
    4) Your husband got you safely to your parents.
    5) You made it before the sirens sounded.
    6) You are all together in one location.
    7) You feel safe.
    8) You have friends who are worried about your safety.
    9) You have access to technology to keep loved ones updated.
    10) You were still able to complete your Ten Things of Thankful post.

    See -- all ten! <3

  6. Amazing. Safety is worth a thousand thankfulls. Glad you made it to safety.

    1. Thank you! I hope never to be on the road again during a tornado warning.

  7. Oh, stay safe! One huge thankful is the same as 10. It's in the Rule Book!

    1. Thank you, Kristi! And to think I didn't even break a rule this week!

  8. Glad you are safe!!! That is worth at least 20 things of should get a pass for next week too!

    1. Thanks, Kris! I'm sure that's in the Rule Book as well!

  9. Wow. You win the most amazing Thankful for the week. Pray your safety and that of your loved ones continues.

  10. That's scary! Sadly, and mind you this is from someone who hasn't lost anything or anyone directly from a tornado or mother nature (to my knowledge), I would have loved to have been there to see the tornado. I love weather, storms, tornadoes, whatever.

    I'm really glad you made it to safety, and from the looks of "X" "Y" "Z" you came out of it in one piece! Or you had the posts scheduled in advance... Now I'm still worried :-(

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink
