
Friday, March 14, 2014

A Lame List of Thankfuls

This is the lame-ass edition of Ten Things of Thankful, because my mind's an absolute blank this week, even though I know there must be more than this sorry list for which to be thankful. 

1. My husband's birthday was Monday. He's older than me. 

2. My daughter, the permit driver, drove to volleyball practice Monday evening, and she didn't sideswipe a car on the way there, and by that, you may deduce that she had a close call. Which she did, if you think 6 inches is close. 

3. Spring Break for the College Boy, and he's been home all week. Minimal bickering between him and his sister, which means no bloodshed. Yet.

4. We had a four day week, as our preschool follows the public school calendar (even though we are a private school), and parent teacher conferences were scheduled for Friday. Four day weeks are niiiice.

5. Spring-like weather! Tuesday was our best day. I threw any lesson plans I had for my primary class that day right out the window, and we spent an hour outside playing on the playground. 

80 beautiful degrees.

 6. One of the cats threw up (not naming names *cough* Fletcher), and missed the ginormous project I am working on for preschool.

Ruby impeding progress on my preschool project.

7. My daughter may be one of the few kids who cannot WAIT until parent teacher conferences, so, according to her, I can hear her teachers say how wonderful she is. Fortunately, she's right; they DO say she's wonderful. And I could listen to them tell me that all day.

8. During Pre-K circle time, the kids got to tell me if they were doing anything over spring break. One of my boys said, "I haven't told my mom this yet, but I'm going to Disney World." Dream big, little man!

9. My daughter auditioned for, and made, the show choir group that she has wanted to be in since she first saw them perform when she was 5 years old. This is particularly sweet because the school is going from two mixed groups and two all girl groups to one of each when they (hopefully, and please, everyone, a collective knock on wood that this actually happens) go from the two temporary facilities where they have been attending school since the tornado to a brand new high school. 

10. I posted this picture on Facebook for Throw Back Thursday. It was taken in about 1971, with a Polaroid, at the home of my two great aunts. Just looking at those hideous purple pants makes me smile; that I wore them with a red shirt only makes it better.

Find your thankfuls wherever you can and link up your post, below.

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Actually, that old pic of you is pretty cool, Diane, retro pants or not! Have a great weekend now!

  2. wow you are totally beautiful, then AND NOW! great work on the singing group for your kid and awesome news re the cat and the projects *cough* are you blessed with luck or what!!!
    Let's all go to Disney World, why the heck not! xox jean

    1. Aww, thanks, Jean! Yes, let's just go to Disney World together! Wouldn't all of us be a group to be reckoned with there?!

  3. Love that picture of you and perfect for Flashback Thursdays. You were and still so very beautiful. And love that little boys has big dreams of Disney, too! Happy weekend now and enjoy :)

    1. Thanks, Janine! I was probably in 5th grade when that picture was taken, so my hair was probably skanky dirty. And that little boy was SO CUTE when he told me his plan to go to Disney!

  4. Were those pants seersucker? I had a red, white, and blue pair :)

    1. They may have been seersucker, the fabric of the 70s. I had a pair of red, white and blue striped jeans. Beat that!

  5. I love that old picture of you- gorgeous hair! Congrats on all the successes this week including the near miss of the side swiping!

    1. As I said to Janine, above, my hair was probably skanky dirty, given my age at the time and that I was visiting my great aunts, where there were no rules. The near miss on the side swiping was a big win!

  6. How wonderful for your daughter! She sounds a lot like my daughter who is an overachiever and very musical -traits she did not get from her father or me. The Disney World kid is the best. I love that spirit! I hope the little guy isn't too disappointed at his real Spring Break. I don't think this list is lame AT ALL.

    1. Thank you, Jen, for not thinking my list was lame!
      Yes, my daughter is an overachiever and pleaser. She is very musical and dances and plays volleyball, none of which she got from either of us! If she didn't look just like me, we'd think she was switched at birth.
      The little guy is actually going on a trip with his family, just not to Disney World. He is the cutest thing - he's the one I mentioned in last week's TToT who apologized for tooting when I didn't even know he'd done it.

  7. Wow! You were gorgeous....not to say that is a past tense state of being. Just that when I was heavily into awkward you were rocking the purple pants!
    Great news for your daughter (and proud mama moment for you).
    And I am no cat person, not even close, but that is a stunning cat.

    1. Aw, shucks, thanks, May!
      We were in a state of suspended animation until we got the results of that audition! I felt fairly confident that she was going to make the group she wanted to be in, but you never know until they post that list!
      Ruby and I both thank you for such a compliment, from a non-cat person, especially!

  8. 1) Happy-not-yet-your-Birthday
    5) Climate envy...our heat wave was last the high 50s and then the rest of the week in the 20s not fair
    10) I can say, as to the color combination exhibited in the photo a) the color spectrum was different then, as a result of the 1960s and 2) this was clearly un-conscious, nonetheless deliberate to provide yourself future post material!

    1. Older than me is older.
      We may have warmer weather right now, but you have a BEACH. RIGHT THERE.
      Thank you for being someone who understands the color spectrum of the 70s. These younger whippersnappers just have no idea, do they? And I could probably write an entire post as to why I'm sitting at a piano when I can't even play. Remember the scene from Ferris Bueller when he's playing the clarinet and says, "Never had one lesson"? Yeah, that's me.

  9. Congrats to your daughter on making the choir group, and on driving without hitting other cars, and for not shredding her brother to pieces or painting his nails while he sleeps :-) Enjoy your time with your family together! And I have to say, I couldn't imagine anyone rocking this TBT-outfit better than you :-) Have a great weekend, Dyanne!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! She's soooo excited, both to be in the show choir group AND to drive. And we've made it a full week now, and while it was close last night at dinner, still no bloodshed. And isn't that the BEST outfit? I mean, it should have been part of a spread in 17 magazine :)

  10. it was snowing yesterday here... today is warmer but still wayyyyyy tooo much muddy snow on the ground... inches of it still. I love snow when its fresh but all cruddy is ick... Looks like the Ruby girl is recouping quite well! Poor FLetcher but lucky you he missed! One of my earliest memories is being let out on the first warm day at school to play in the playground instead of class...Love the pants! I think I had a red white and blue pair... Probably worn with a red shirt!

    1. Yesterday, it was over 70 degrees. This morning, there is a skiff of snow on the ground. Hello, spring in the midwest!
      Ruby has very nearly reached maximum recovery, much to Fletcher's dismay, as she bugs the crap out of him. And he has a sensitive stomach and barfs easily and often. And without consideration of where it's going to land.
      I had red, white and blue striped jeans, because I was THAT cool. Probably worn with the same red shirt, which was actually a short sleeved sweatshirt. True story.

    2. but were you cool enough for the orange and blue stiped jeans with the big yellow smiley face t-shirt????


  11. Oh, you know what, though, 6 inches is FINE. She's gonna do great at driving. NO PROBLEM.

    Cat puke in as few places as possible is EPIC thankful.

    And warmth....oh nothing could be better.

    1. I really need to take her to an empty parking light and have her practice more there. Her turns are a little wide....
      I neglected to mention that he barfed on my son's shoes. What he gets for leaving them in my room, I guess.
      Warmth and sunshine - ahhhh!

  12. Whew for the cat puke missing the project. That's definitely something to be thankful for! And great Ruby pic as always! Oh and lovely pic of you too! Eighty degrees?!! We are lucky to get that in July, never mind March. And congrats to your daughter on driving safely.

    1. Ruby is a hindrance to my project as well. She takes my pens and pencils and runs away with them, knocks the stacks of photos over, takes the special photo tape I have and runs away with it as well, and on and on. It's a good thing she's cute!

      I would freeze if I lived where it didn't get to 80 in the summer!

  13. You could write a book of things you heard at preschool. I love this week's quote: "I haven't told my mom yet. . . " LOL

    1. He added "yet" to it! Obviously, he was going to inform her SOMEtime of his trip!

  14. I'm having a hard time finding the lame ass part of this post because I thought it was pretty darn good! Happy Birthday, Hubby who is older than you and thank goodness for 6 inches. I'm so happy that your daughter made the choir group and that you get to have the college boy home for a bit. What am awesome teacher you are, taking those babies outside after all the terrible, horrible, no good, awful weather to enjoy that beautiful day! And sheesh, ugly pants or no, you were (and still are) gorgeous!

    1. Nah, it was lame. I was grasping at straws, but thanks.
      You know, it's really difficult to leave that "thank goodness for 6 inches" alone, since both you AND Lizzi said it....
      Yeah, it really sucked to spend my morning sitting in the sunshine, watching the kiddos play :)
      Aaaand, thank you! You're too kind!

  15. I would cry if a cat (or anyone/thing for that matter) threw up on a preschool project I was working on. That's not a lame thing to be thankful for at all. Although, the husband being older one... :)

    My 15 year old has yet to brave an actual street behind the wheel. Of course, he hasn't made any attempt to get his temps yet, either. He'll be so sad when he turns 16 and a half and I refuse to take him anywhere besides school.
    Love that photo of you at the piano.

    1. I would have cried, too. Months of work would have perished. MONTHS.
      He is 6 months older. So for 6 months, he is a YEAR older. We catch up in September.
      In MO, they can get the permit at 15, license at 16. But they have to have a permit for a full year before they can get a license. Her having trouble remembering which is the brake and which is the gas is a little disturbing, however....

  16. I am still in love with that outfit, red shirt and all. Not to mention your hair! Gorgeous!
    Yay for show choir! I made it into a all women's barbershop chorus this week so I understand!
    And warm weather! Yesterday hit 60, but today we're expecting snow. Blech.

    1. And all women's barbershop group? Awesome - congratulations. We have one of those near here - a friend from church has done it for years. All thoughts of a night out for singing were abandoned when Zilla arrived.

    2. I rocked that outfit, to say the least. And barbershop chorus? Sweet! You WILL be posting videos, right?

  17. I definitely do not think this list is lame-ass at all. Right at number one you're doing fine - my Hub is four years YOUNGER than I am so I think you're golden right there.
    The outfit is spectacular - I had a few like that in the 70s. And to think it was actually fashionable....
    Congratulations to your daughter for the show choir spot! What a glorious thing to earn a spot in a group she's aspired to for so long!
    Cat puke missing school work is absolutely something to be thankful for. If one of these Rotten Cat Boys yerfed on my school work, I would cry. Then open the back door to let them out and fend for themselves in the big bad world. So it's probably good that they don't yerf on my things (usually)...and probably why I don't bring work home very often. Which is probably why I'm behind all the time...OK I have to stop because now I'm getting depressed.
    Have a great week!

    1. He's only six months older, but it counts.
      The PANTS were very fashionable, but I truly question my choice of shirt.
      Thank you! She is SO excited! She has loved being in show choir this year. She was made to sing and dance!
      I threaten to let our kittehs out on occasion. They wouldn't last five minutes.

  18. Awwww. Sometimes the simplest lists are the best. Having a husband that's older really rocks (mine is too) and I remind him of that all the time. Especially now that he is really getting up there. :-) It's nice when the kids are home together and I agree, as long as there is no bloodshed, yet. Great list. Happy Sunday to you.

    1. Thanks, Linda! And we made it the full week without either kid killing each other.

  19. Those purple plaid pants are awesome and I had very similar ones but in pink. Also I didn't think this list was lame at all. Cat puke missing projects is huge thankful stuff. And it's snowing here so I'm ignoring your spring stuff.

    1. PINK? Aww, man! Cat puke missing anything but the bare floor would be huge, but since he can't manage to hit the hardwood floors EVER, choosing throw rugs, especially the fringed part, or shoes, or clothes, or magazines, or....

  20. Oh my gosh, I can't wait until my little man is old enough to say such funny things! Dream big indeed!
    So jealous of your spring weather - playing outside - just going outside without a hat and I'M dreaming big!
    Love that you found ten things, and pretty good ones at that!

    1. I should write down more things my preschoolers say. They are so funny! And the spring weather was wonderful, until it got cold and snowed again. Spring in Missouri!
