
Monday, August 12, 2013

I Actually Helped Someone AND I Received A Blog Award

I am over the moon with happiness today!

When I started blogging, I had two purposes: one was to record everything that was happening with my breast cancer diagnosis, so that I would never forget any of the details. But the second purpose was because I hoped to reach someone, somewhere, who was facing the same diagnosis and searching desperately for straightforward information about it.

You can't tell I'm lit on narcotics, can you?

Then last week, I got this email. And it started with the words, "I found your blog and it’s helped put me at ease."


What makes this even better is she also lives in the same town as me.


She Googled "free tram flap," which is the reconstruction method that was used on me, and "Dr. Geter," who is the AWESOMEST PLASTIC SURGEON EVER, and she got ME.


She is having her surgery done prophylactically, because, although she does not have cancer, she has a strong family history of it, plus she also has fibrocystic disease. Her surgery is scheduled for next week.

And today, she and I and her daughter met for lunch.

And they asked me lots of questions, which I answered as honestly and completely as I could.

I showed them pictures of my boobies at the different stages of reconstruction (something which I have spared my blog readers). (I offered to let her see them if she wanted, but she said the pictures were sufficient. The offer still holds if she changes her mind, because, while a picture says a thousand words, a personal viewing is like War and Peace.)*

If I drop dead tomorrow, I will die happy.

My little blog helped someone. It really helped someone.

And now that I am on the subject of boobies, I think it's time to reveal that I have received a coveted Blog Award. Unlike most blogging awards, this one has very, very simple rules:

          1. Be brazen enough to display it on your blog.

          2. Nominate another blogger.

So, without further ado, I am proudly displaying my new award.

Now for my nomination for a Golden Sideboob (drum roll, please): Synnove Robinson of Don't Chew On The Dinner Table. Accept it, Synnove, if you dare.

*When I told my husband that we were going to meet, he said, "Let me get this straight. You're going to show your boobs to someone you met on the internet?" Uh, yep.


  1. Oh, that just gives me goosebumps. I'm guessing that for every person you know you touched, there are more you will never know about. Keep on!

  2. I know you started your blog while you were battling breast cancer, but you have helped me while I am battling being single and middle aged.

    Thank you for being the wonderful supportive person you are. Thank you for having a good-bye party for your boobies, and inspiring me to be as much as I can be with the life I have been given and whatever it has to offer.

    1. Oh, Vanessa, thank you so much! I am humbled by your words.

      I'm so glad you're back to regular blogging! Because of you, I analyze vegetables in the grocery store for body parts.


  3. Ohhhhh I'm such a bad friend! I forgot to ask how it went! I love that this happened and I'm totally psyched that it helped one person 'face to face', but I guarantee you, SO MANY more will be helped without your knowledge. Or maybe with it!

    YAYY for the brazen award - I knew you'd be Golden about this one :)

    You're completely amazing, y'know that.

    (also TOTALLY hilarious that you were prepared to meet an internet stranger and show them your boobs - you know you could get arrested/paid for that, right?)

    1. My husband asked me today if that was my sideboob. I pointed out that if it were, there would be a scar across the equator.

      I am always willing to take one for the team.

    2. TRIPLE-dog-dare ya!

      The DIY sideboob award - survivor style ;)

  4. Best post of the day! I cannot think of anything greater than having your blog not only reach some one but bring them peace. I am so happy you share your story and that you are willing to go there.

    I am also cracking up at your husband's expression that must have been on his face when he wondered why you would share your boob with some one from the internet when he hasn't seen them in how many months :)

    1. Thanks so much, Kerri! My husband has gotten used to me showing my boobs to friends, but he said if I'm going to show them to people I meet on the internet, I should at least get paid.

  5. Yeah for you! That is simply divine and I am so happy for you! I'm sure that there's nothing better than knowing that your writing helped someone. God bless you for the desire and vision to start blogging when you did. :)

    And then that you took the extra step to meet with her and help put her mind at ease. You are an inspiration!

    And congrats on your major award, BTW! LOL

    1. Thank you! I'm still on cloud 9 over it.

      Be careful, you might get the award....

    2. I meant on cloud 9 for the email, but I guess I am for it AND for the award. I mean, it's quite an award....

  6. I agree with Christine; I think your blog probably has helped more people than you realize. That being said, how exciting to be able to actually hear from someone who was helped!

  7. How simply wonderful. That has to be the greatest feeling. Go you, Dyanne! :)

  8. Yay! Happy for both of you that you were able to connect! And congratulations on your lovely sideboob. You rock.

  9. Yes! You did it, have done it, and continue to help people. You are an inspiration! Look at what you can do through the internet!!! Bravo and thank you.

    1. Thank you so much! How DID we get along before the internet?

  10. I am so excited and honored that you thought of me because I love your blog and you have also helped me understand a little bit more about your road and others like it. I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! :) I can't wait to get on this! (Heh, yeah... You can go there....)

    1. It really does something to you to know someone has thought about you in connection with sideboob, doesn't it?

      Have fun with it!

  11. Congratulations on your award. And what a wonderful story!

    1. Thank you! It has been a wonderful to use my experience to help walk someone else through the process.

      And the Golden Sideboob? Yeah. It's quite an award!
