
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer of '78

It was the summer of 1978, the summer after graduation, the summer of driving around late at night, listening to music with the windows rolled down. It was Night Fever, Hot Blooded, Take A Chance On Me.  It was working at McDonalds in the morning and rehearsing and performing at Theater Under the Stars at night. It was Minsky's Pizza, Putsch's, the Alameda Plaza coffee shop and Winstead's. It was jeans shorts and spaghetti straps, flowered sundresses and long hair. It was Grease and Danny and Sandy and Hopelessly Devoted To You. It was Lake Jacomo and frisbees and friends and Blue River Road.  It was red, white and blue bomb pops.  It was Steely Dan and Bob Seger. And Genesis. And Jackson Browne. It was the end of one road and the beginning of another. 

Senior Pic from yearbook.
(Here's when I found out I don't
have many pics of me. Time to
visit mom and procure some inventory.)

Mama Kat's writer's workshop: write a post in just 12 lines.


  1. It's amazing how a small slice of time can bring so many memories; sights, sounds, feelings.....

    My 12 lines were about this summer :)

    1. You're exactly right. And obviously great minds think alike :)

  2. and now, I have Hot Blooded stuck in my head! :-)

  3. Ooo... I love Genesis! This was fantastic!

  4. I love this! It definitely makes me think of my summer after graduation, too. We didn't really know how good we had it then, did we?

  5. Wow, THIS brings back some memories, in just 12 lines! Back before all the dang responsibility kicked in. Nice job!

  6. Oh, how cool. I remember many of those well...and now I have Take a Chance on Me in my head for the rest of the day!

    1. Ba ba ba ba baa, ba ba ba ba baa, honey, I'm still free, take a chance on me....

  7. Sorry, I missed this it seems. Sweet post for the 12 line challenge. You captured a lot of the time within it. Genesis was still pretty popular during some of my years, and then Peter Gabrielle.

    Unless you mean the game system? I was all about that too! RAR! Hahaha

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. Thank you, Jak! OF COURSE you were all about the game system! (I still have a Nintendo NES that still works, oh by the way).
