
Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Sight To See

A Tribute To My Girls, in limerick form:

As they harbored some cancerous shit
My saggy, tired boobs were unfit
They were not only removed
But also improved
And now high on my chest they do sit.

Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop prompt #5: write a limerick.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I am a horrible poet, which is why I chose to write a poem for this week's writer's workshop challenge. Trying to get out of my box a little!

  2. That's the best booby poem I've ever read, lol. Maybe the only one, great way to look at a sucky situation! :)

    1. It's the first boobie poem I've ever written. Now I know how it feels to be a 6th grade boy.

  3. I loved it! I am new to your blog, may not know the back story, but is this about you?

  4. That is fabulous! Way to make lemonade out of lemons!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Natalia! How many booby poems have you read, anyway? :)

  6. Absolutely perfect! That is one of the best limericks I've seen in a long time. I'll bet you were smiling when you wrote it!

    1. Thank you kindly! And you would have lost that bet. I labored over this for hours. I am NOT A POET!

  7. I don't know quite how to react-sies
    I'm glad that your boobs are intact-sies
    And the rest of you
    Is glorious, too
    So time to tell cancer 'No Backsies'

    1. It took me ALL NIGHT to write mine, and you dashed this little beauty off in ten seconds!

    2. Uhm, p'raps, but if we ever went for coffee, I'd be a hot mess and you'd think I was a total loser, so I guess we all got different skills


  8. Wow. That's the awesomest boob poem ever!

    1. My husband got worried when he found out I was rhyming the word "sit", but I kept 'er clean!

  9. I don't envy how you got there but I am INCREDIBLY jealous of your girls-at-attention! Also, your limerick skillz ain't half bad, neither!

    1. They truly are a work of art, as is my flat tummy, but I couldn't fit that into the limerick.

  10. Holy crap talk about a mind fuck! >.<

    I looked at the picture and was just... I dunno, I'm not even a boob guy and I was like... does she know most will likely be staring at her boobs... Should I comment about that?... then I recall the stuff you had go on with said thing... so thought best not... and why is this a tribute to her daughters... wait, I thought she only had one daughter... maybe I was wrong?.... I don't exactly know her family or the like beyond random blogging and pics... oh god that isn't her daughter is it? Oh my fucken nuts... look away...!

    Then I read the poem and it all made sense.

    Well played.

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. I can hardly thank you for laughing so much. I would never have guessed that this little limerick would cause you so much anguish! (Would this be a bad time to tell you my plastic surgeon said no one would be able to tell they're fabricated if I were in a wet t-shirt contest?)

    2. Pics or it didn't happen? (You know... when that happens?) lol

  11. absolutely brilliant! I have to wonder how you could avoid the obvious Rhyme.... it was done so skillfully! "unfit"" s*** "and "sit" just seem to invite the obvious!
