
Friday, April 5, 2024

E is for Eek, I'm Old!


#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter E

I am in the process of sorting through everything in my parents' home, and in so doing, I have been looking through all my childhood memorabilia, the majority of which I hadn't seen since my parents packed up my belongings and moved them from the home I grew up in to this house some 45 years ago. My 2024 A to Z Challenge theme is based on the treasures I have found in the boxes and the drawers and closets. Join me on my bittersweet journey back to my childhood.

Just going to put this here and hobble away on my walker....


  1. I feel old whenever I look in the mirror!

    1. Especially when I glance in a mirror and catch a glimpse of my mom looking back at me!

  2. My brothers are 10 and 15 years older than I am. I remember my mother saying, "I can't believe I'm old enough to have a son 60 years old!" I'm now turning 67 this summer!

    1. 67 used to sound soooooo old when it wasn't looking me right in the eye.

  3. I know I am old (number-wise). I just turned 70 last month.

  4. What is that?
    I'm almost as old as you, 62, but Danish, this might be why I do no recognize this thingie.

  5. I am 59, everyday trying to be young at heart and mind. :-)
