
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

P is for Previous Post That Was Never Posted


#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter P

Every year when I make my decision to participate in the A to Z Challenge, I vow to plan ahead.

Every year, I don't do that.

As I was desperately searching for inspiration for today's post, I found a draft of a blog post that never made it to publication (mostly because it was never a completed post and also because it didn't have a beginning or an end or a real purpose). 

May I present a list of quotations from my husband, ca. 2013, but really, they are timeless

Imparting wisdom:

Old school is just another word for old.

Assassination changes everything.

Saying something with confidence doesn't make it right.

Whoever lives the longest gets to tell the story

Don't make up shit. That's called creative writing.

About work (can't we all relate?):

For what they pay me, they should be happy I wear pants to work.

Those bastards really meant I had to do some work from home. (7 years pre-covid - if only he knew!)

Directed at me:

Everything you eat has a bar code. That's the proper way to say you eat a lot of processed food.

You don't eat like a 14 year old boy. You eat like a 17 year old girl. Except you don't eat ramen.

That's what you get for eating like a campground raccoon.

The end.


  1. I know I've done the A to Z challenge once. I think I maybe did it twice. Each year, I think I will join next year, and most years, I don't. Maybe in 2024!

    I love this idea of posting things that never quite made it into a post, and your husband's quotes made me laugh!
