
Sunday, April 23, 2023

No Alterations Needed On These Thankfuls (I Hope)

Sunday evening already? I need another day (or three).
Ready or not, it's time for my Ten Things of Thankful post.

1. I'm keeping up with the A to Z Challenge, which is pretty magical considering I neither pre-planned nor pre-wrote ANYTHING. I'm behind in reading other entries and answering comments on mine, but my head is still (barely) above water.

2. My niece is getting married this coming weekend!

3. My niece is getting married and I found a dress to wear almost two months ago AND it was on sale!

4. The dress needed a little alteration in the upstairs area or everyone would see my upstairs. Did I mention I bought it two months ago? And that I fully knew it needed to be altered before I could wear it? And that the wedding is this coming weekend? My friend Ceason got me an appointment at a local alteration shop, and in spite of all the prom and wedding dresses they were in the process of altering, the VERY KIND woman agreed to alter mine in time for the wedding. I think she felt sorry for me that I was such an idiot. 

5. The alteration was completed early, and I picked the dress up yesterday! Now to figure out how to get the hideous silver buckle-like thing off of it.

6. I didn't want to wear shoes to the wedding that would hurt my feet, so I found some Rocket Dog sneakers to wear that were on sale for $11.

7. My husband and I cleaned out two kitchen cabinets of superfluous kitchenware this weekend and filled a couple of large boxes with items to donate. Personally, I could have gotten rid of enough to fill two more boxes, but someone else has trouble letting go of stuff....

8. With all the shelves emptied out, I saw how vile the shelf liner was after being there for 24 years (who knew? - it was always covered with dishes and stuff). I cleaned all of it, then went ahead and purchased new shelf liner. It took me all afternoon (the house is almost 100 years old, so the cabinets are not the roomy ones of newer homes), but I got the hardest cabinet re-linered. Baby steps.

9. It was terribly windy this week, but the temperatures were spring-like, so since we were talking about kites and wind at preschool this week, I took them out to the big field behind the building and we flew our own kites. Or should I say "kites"? They were Walmart sacks with the handles tied together with a long piece of yarn, but did they ever fly! 

10. Remember when I said I was thankful Peep season was over? Don't tell anyone, but they were 75% off at Walmart last week, and I have about 15 boxes of them hidden away for when I need some emergency Peeps!

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