
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

J is for Just A Little Complication


#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter J

When my son was around 8 months old, I got a whopper of a sinus infection. It was the end of the quarter at work, so instead of staying home and recuperating, I was at the office, eyes streaming tears and constantly blowing my nose, and I worked that way for about a week. I did go to the doctor and get an antibiotic, but the eye drops I got didn't help a bit. As soon as I had completed whatever it was I had to get done (quite honestly, I don't even remember what it was, but it had to do with money and that's all I know), I went to a different doctor, got a different prescription for eyedrops (that started to work almost immediately), and was finally able to stay home from work. By this time, my eyes were bright red, painful, and gooey (yes, completely gross, I know, I KNOW). 

In the meantime, I was still nursing a baby and caring for him, but miracle of miracles, he did not get pink eye, but my husband did. While I continued to work for a week until I could take the time off to take care of myself, he immediately went all man flu (IYKYK). The baby obviously was rocking a terrific immune system, because he still didn't get pink eye from either of us. That was 27 years ago.

Guess who woke up today with weepy eyes? And whose eyes have gotten progressively worse throughout the day to now, at 8:00 at night, when they are not only weepy but are gooey and itchy and blurry and
sore? That's right, me.

Guess who is already sure his eyes are getting itchy even though I haven't been within 6 feet of him all evening? We all know the answer to that.

I'll be taking off work tomorrow and going to the doctor for meds. And I'll ask for extra for the paranoid hypochondriac my husband, just in case. 

And then I'll be able to write a proper post for the Challenge*, but this one's the best I can do through my blurry, gooey, itchy eyes. 

Happy Spring, y'all!

me, but a few years ago and clearly not infected with pink eye

*one that has been proofread, because this one has not been since I CAN'T SEE WHAT I'M DOING.


  1. It's nice you managed to write this post with your eye condition. The way infections spread is strange. It's quite difficult to understand because there are many variables involved. Get well soon!

    1. Thanks! I know I was extra careful when I was caring for an infant and not so much with my husband! And he didn't catch it from me this time, and I'm really happy about that! Wouldn't want to hear how I gave him pink eye TWICE for the rest of my life!

  2. You did excellently! Pink eye is horrible. Hope you recover quickly.

    1. Thank you! It's been pretty miserable but getting better!

  3. stopping bt from the a tto z challenge. It's not exactly a boomerang illness, but it definitely is something. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Keep colloidal silver drops in the house. When the itch starts, use them, it works to stop it before it becomes a full blown case, trust me. We use it on the cats, one of whom gets it all the time.

  5. You did well all things considered. I hope you and the hubby are fully recovered by now.

  6. Glad you have recovered now! (I'm working my way backwards through your posts, so spoiler alert?!)
