
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Find The Good

In a week like this past one, you have to work a little harder to find thankfuls. Senseless violence, deadly tornadoes, so many people scared and hurting. But maybe this is the time we really need to remember there is always some good in the world, even if we have to search to find it. Here is my list.

I'm thankful for:

A goofy cat like Lewis who carries my winter hats from the entry hall to my bedroom and is currently tossing a fabric snowman Christmas tree ornament about four feet in the air, over and over.

Peeps. Preferably bunnies. Pink or purple.

BBQ chicken on the grill.

Good sales.

Finding fun little gifts you think a friend will like.

Tulips blooming.

Trees budding.

Last night's Saturday Night Live episode, particularly the Road Rage skit and the April Fool's joke Michael Che played on Colin Jost. 


Hearing your son and daughter in law were safe from the tornadoes.

My hope for this and future weeks is we learn from the bad and use it for the good. May it be so for us.

I've (probably foolishly) signed up for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge. Drop by and read some of my posts if you want.

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  1. I'm usually asleep by the time SNL airs, but thanks to you, I went back and watched the April Fool's joke. (And I'll have to watch the Road Rage sketch, too.) That was funny!
    I'm happy you are seeing blossoms and buds there. It is snowing here. Surprise, surprise. Utah has now broken the snow water equivalent record, and the season isn't over yet. We might need to start building an ark. :-)
    Glad your kids are safe!

    1. I don't usually make it very far into the show, either, but I did this time. That Road Rage skit is HILARIOUS! I can't believe how much snow you have gotten this year! We hardly got any and will probably have about three weeks of spring before it's full-blown summer. I hope it doesn't come to you having to build an ark, but if it has to be done, I know John can do it!

    2. So far, so good regarding the need for an ark. Though it warmed up this week (in the 70's!) tomorrow's high is supposed to only be 48. Apparently the warm up, cool down method of spring's arrival is supposed to be ideal for decreasing flooding; it allows the snowpack to melt gradually instead of all at once.

  2. I also pray the week to come is full of hope.

  3. Lewis is adorable and how cute that he carries your hats.
