
Sunday, April 9, 2023

Eastery Thankfuls

Before the weekend gets away from me (and it's about to), I bring you this week's Ten Things of Thankful:

I'm hanging in there on the A to Z Challenge. Have you read any of my posts? I have no theme, other than the daily alphabet prompt, so my posts are...eclectic.

Spring is really popping! The weather has been (mostly) warm, and my nugs are wearing themselves out picking dandelions and chickweed.

We had our Spring Fling at school (family games and an Easter egg hunt on the playground), and severe weather held off until long after we were done.

The cats are loving open windows. 

I'm thankful for the end of seasonal candy until Halloween, because if I eat one more Peep, I'm going to turn into one.

I got to work without my school keys one morning this week. This is pretty devastating, since I'm the first one there in the morning and am the one who unlocks the door. Thankfully, one of the men who work for the State (their offices are in a wing of our building with locked doors between us) was able to let me in the basement, where I was able to access our side of the building.

I found my work keys in my classroom, so I didn't have to worry that I had really lost them.

I officially asked off to go to Nashville in May to see my Person. I'm not one to wish my life away by saying, "I can't wait until..." but I WILL say I'm REALLLLLLLLY looking forward to the trip!

My husband and I went to Kansas City for the weekend so we could attend church in person. Good Friday service was dark and somber and left my heart heavy and sad with the weight of the crucifixion and death of Christ. But Easter comes, and with it the joy of knowing that He is risen, and I am at peace.

We enjoyed a beautiful spring weekend in Kansas City with our daughter, eating, shopping, talking, laughing. It always ends too soon, but that just means I'll be able to go back to see her again!

I hope your week was a delight!

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  1. I am enjoying your eclectic posts!

  2. I have been enjoying all your posts. I also have no theme, i meander, just like the name says.

    Losing keys is bad enough, losing work keys is worse, i'm glad they turned up and for all your other wonderful thankful things!

    1. Yes, you do meander, and that's one of the many endearing things about you! I need to put a Tile on my work keys. I have one on my car/house keys and it has saved me a lot of hunting. And if I could attach one on my big insulated cup and my glasses, my life would be easier!

  3. Thanks, I am! The no-theme thing is great until your mind draws a big ol' blank!

  4. "eclectic" is a good word. (I'd go so far as to say it, in my world, is almost always a compliment).

  5. I like eclectic posts. It's as though we were sitting down having a conversation. "Oh, that reminds me!" And we're off to the next topic!
    Happy Easter!

    1. Just like when we do get to have real conversations! I sure hope that happens again before too long! Hope your Easter was delightful!
