
Thursday, April 6, 2023

E is for Easter

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter E

When I was a child, Easter was a new dress with a scratchy petticoat. It was ruffled socks and pretty shoes that were foreign to me, as I wore corrective shoes all the other days of the year. It was a pinchy hat and gloves and a little pocketbook in which I would try to smuggle candy from my Easter basket to church. It was searching for Easter eggs inside the house, because it was always too cold to hunt for them outdoors. It was hollow chocolate bunnies and jellybeans in the basket and ham on the table for Sunday dinner. 

Happy Easter to those who celebrate. He is risen. He is risen indeed.

Easter 1963 with my brother Phil and my mom in the background.


  1. I'm having trouble posting my comment. It's a very cute photo.

    1. Thank you! As my brother says, I was a "little ray of bitter sunshine"!

  2. Our egg hunts were always indoors, too. Oregon is pretty consistently rainy during Eastertime.

    1. Kansas City just never was warm enough at Easter plus I don't think either parent wanted to get up early and go outside when they could hide them the night before after we went to bed!
