
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Are We Done With Peeps Yet?

How does a month speed by so quickly? We are already halfway through April, and that just doesn't seem possible. The trees are mostly leafed out, flowers are growing strong, it's windy (which I hate but it is, so), days are mostly warm, sometimes rainy, and even when they are chilly, everything is green, so you know it's temporary.
Let's get this week's Ten Things of Thankful off and rolling, shall we?

I'm thankful Easter candy is out of the stores and not there to tempt me any more. I am weak.

This week was warm enough to wear flip flops. Ahhhh!

I survived having pink eye this week. 

I did NOT give it to my husband this time (and if you'd like to read about when I DID give him pink eye, check out my A to Z Challenge post "J is for Just A Little Complication".

I found some leftover Easter candy on sale for 80% off at Walgreen's when I went there to pick up my antibiotic eye drops, and they had a couple of packages of Peeps and I TOLD YOU I WAS WEAK.

I had to miss a day of work  because I had gross eyes AND I was contagious, but it was nice to get that unexpected day of rest.

I love the daily memes my friend Manda and I send to each other. I am a purveyor of funny and often highly inappropriate memes, and it's a lot of fun to pick out ones I think are just right for Manda (or just damn funny and need to be sent), and I love reading what she sends to me.

Warned you

I'm thankful I have one more little package of Peeps to enjoy when I REALLLLLLY need them.

My husband and I went to my happy place, Silver Dollar City, for a couple of hours on Saturday. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed a set of music from the Homestead Pickers.

Outside the Wilderness Church

My dad tore the skin on his arm again, and fortunately, it was while we were visiting. I took him to urgent care and got him fixed up and on an antibiotic, and this should prevent him from getting cellulitis again.

How has your week been? Are you thankful for spring? For things that make you laugh? For candy or for the lack thereof? The Ten Things of Thankful is waiting for you to link up YOUR thankful post. It's fun and easy and you will make friends, because we're fun and friendly and eas--um, yeah, join us!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. We're all weak, just in different places. Those peeps may come in handy one day soon.

    I'll be praying your dad heals up with no complications.

  2. Here it's summer. Temperatures are over 40 deg C in many parts. Bangalore is elevated so it's not so hot, though the dry heat is a bit discomforting. Praying for your dad to get well soon.

  3. I sure have good memories of Silver Dollar City and the Homestead Pickers! Thanks for introducing me to your neck of the woods!
