
Sunday, March 12, 2023

Hello, Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time just about got me, but here I am, in the nick of time for Ten Things of Thankful.

This week's thankfuls, in no particular order:

Peeps. Prefer bunnies over chickens, pink over any other color. Original Peep flavor only. It's a once-a-year treat (although I may actually eat them more than once during that time frame). I don't believe in Halloween Peeps (seriously?) or valentine Peeps (just no) or any other peep that isn't the aforesaid rabbit or chicken. The time is now.

Sleeping in my very own bed.

Sandbox weather.

Sending and receiving daily memes with my friend and former co-worker Manda.

Bread machines for making dough. I'll form and bake my own product, but it sure is nice to have the machine do the work of whipping up the dough!

Andie McDowell. She's simply stunning.

Lewis and his recent fetish of bringing items to my bedroom. While we were gone this weekend, he brought four hats and two socks to my room. He's going to be pretty disappointed when spring finally decides to stick around and all the winter hats and scarves and mittens get put away until fall.

Two hats and a sock

Three more hats and the other sock

The guilty party

Hugs and I love yous from my little nugs at school.

My teaching assistant, Baylee. She's a gem!

My husband. His birthday was Friday, and my biggest gift to him was not making him do some activity that I thought would be FUN and he didn't enjoy (case in point: this post from three years ago). 

Hope you adjust to the time change quickly! Join us next weekend and every weekend for the best blog hop ever!

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  1. Can't say I understand cats (dog person, ya know) but in the world of canines, the above would be safely interpreted as a bribe, if not a simple, 'Come back and these will be just the beginning'

  2. I love your daily cat finding reports! Such love to share with his momma. Mine used to bring me dead mice. I lived in a very old house at one time and he kept the mice at bay. I never saw a live one. He particularly liked to place them exactly where my feet would touch the floor in the morning. I got wise to that real fast. Fortunately. it was a rare occurance.
