
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Tender: A Six Sentence Story

"This cake is amazing!" exclaimed Marilyn, pressing the back of her fork onto her nearly empty dessert plate, gathering up every tender crumb and sighing with pleasure as she slid the fork into her mouth one last time. 

"I'm so pleased you enjoyed it," replied Patricia as she lifted the tea pot next to her and, after raising her eyebrows at Marilyn and receiving a nod in return, refilled her guest's cup.

"There was a flavor I couldn't quite place," continued Marilyn, sipping her tea, and Patricia answered, "Nothing unusual, maybe nutmeg?"

Marilyn closed her eyes lightly, breathing in the fresh cut oleander that Patricia had arranged in a vase on the little table; a whisper of a smile appeared on Patricia's face, and she leaned back in her chair and waited.

Marilyn opened her eyes suddenly and reached for the linen napkin in her lap; failing to locate it, she grabbed at the tablecloth, pulling it toward her and frantically dabbing her forehead.

"I don't feel well," Marilyn managed to say as Patricia gathered up the tea set, threw it into the rubbish can, and walked out through the garden gate, closing it carefully behind her.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge's Blog for Six Sentence Stories with the prompt "foundation"


  1. She had her cake and regretted it too!
    Fun (?!) Six this week, D

  2. Oleander is deadly. We found that out in Florida when we burned it and nearly died! Scary stuff.

    1. We had oleander bushes in front of our house in LA when we first bought it. Removed them shortly after moving in!

  3. She's at it again... another tale of dastardly deeds! Nicely done!!

    1. My husband keeps wondering why I like murder so much....

  4. I will have to avoid tea parties like that.

  5. Yikes. I did not see that coming!

    1. Me, either! I was going to go with a recipe for cake with a tender crumb and went down a different rabbit hole!

  6. At least she had delicious cake. This sounds like a back story is coming up. Nicely done.
