
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Clip: A Six Sentence Story

By day, he was a less than ordinary man, the kind you wouldn't particularly notice even if you had ridden next to him on the bus all the way downtown. His short sleeved, white dress shirt was wrinkled, not in a pulled-it-from-the-dirty-clothes-hamper style, but in more of a thrown-on-the-hanger-carelessly kind of way. His trousers were a little too short and showed a little too much of his socks, the non-descript clip-on tie had a stain on one of the stripes, and his shoes were run down at the heels. A lock of his dark hair fell over his forehead, and the lenses of his horn-rimmed glasses bore fingerprints and smudges. He was, in a word, forgettable.

But by night, with the stage lights in the tiny, dark club dancing across his silver sequined gown as he laid gracefully across the piano, he was nothing short of extraordinary.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge's Blog for Six Sentence Stories with the prompt "clip"


  1. You painted this scene very well, Dyanne. An unforgettable SIX.

  2. Appearances can be deceiving, non?
    I love the ease at which you described such an "unforgettable" person. I can see him clear as day :)

    1. I could, too! It started with the clip on tie and went from there!

  3. There's more to him than the eye will see in the plain light of day.

  4. Now that was a surprise. And no murder!

  5. Eternity in a moment, the universe in a grain of sand...

    not my words, but the first thing that came to mind when finishing your rather excellent character study of a Six.

  6. Really well done, easy to visualize. Good six !

  7. What a dude! At first I was reminded of Michael Douglas's character in the film Falling Down. Super ending for your six!

  8. Brilliant - this is so visual ... 😀

  9. Well illustrated story with painted words.
