
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Coat: A Six Sentence Story

The two young men pulled themselves onto the sandy beach, panting, each silently rejoicing their good fortune of surviving the battering ocean waves and the relentless sun. 

Michael raised his head first, drew a ragged breath, and turned towards Andy, whispering, "You okay, man?"

Andy's eyelids fluttered, and his mouth worked before he croaked out, "I think so, but my tongue feels like it's wearing a leather jacket." 

Michael rolled onto his back, squinting at the sky, and answered, "Mine feels more like it's wearing a fur coat."

At the sound of running feet, both young men rolled to a sitting position.

"DUUUUUUUUUDES, beer run in ten minutes," was shouted to them, and they staggered to their feet and prepared themselves for the second day of Spring Break.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge's Blog for Six Sentence Stories with the prompt "coat"


  1. If you remember spring break you didn't have enough fun! Good six.

  2. Ha! And here I thought they were wrecked.

  3. Hm...was also thinking ship wreck :D Good one!
    Spring Break. I never went on one. Can you believe that?!

    1. Thanks, sis! I never went on a spring break trip, either. I did fun things like get my wisdom teeth out instead.

  4. Had a feeling that's where this was going. LOL

  5. Well, 'wrecked' was, back in the day, a preferred term for such condition.
    fun Six

    1. Just depends on your definition of wrecked, huh? And thanks!
