
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Big Awards, Big Cats, Big Thankfuls

Busy week, busy weekend, and (lucky readers) no time for a big, drawn out Ten Things of Thankful this week (you're welcome).

1. Emma's show choir got first place in their division last weekend at the last show choir competition of the year. They also got best opening number, best closing number, best ballad, best choreography, best back up band, tied for best vocals, and were the overall Grand Champions. Pretty awesome for a group that started late because of a director leaving, had no classroom because the high school wasn't completed when school started and their class was first housed in the wrestling room (until wrestling season, when they got booted out) and then in an automotive room in the tech school THAT HAD NO MIRRORS. Best choreography. No mirrors. Let that soak in a minute....

2. Parent-Teacher Conferences. Hearing seven teachers tell me they wish they had an entire classroom of Emmas is pretty darn nice to hear.

3. Andy's Frozen Custard Choco-Rocko Concrete: chocolate frozen custard blended with marshmallow cream and almonds. If my kids ask, I will deny that I had one this week with my husband when they weren't with us.

4. Ruby.
Ruby trying to insinuate herself into CBS This Morning.

5. Microwave ovens. Mine is broken and will have to be replaced. You have no idea how much you use one until you don't have one. In fact, I seriously thought my son might starve this week when he couldn't figure out how to heat up a frozen dinner without it....

6. My pharmacy. Locally owned, they know me when I walk in the door and meet me at the counter with my order. Thank you, Medicine Shoppe!

7. Emma's club volleyball team. Good girls, good friends.

8. A lake house we can go to any time we want.

9. Fat cats who don't care that they have taken the best chair in the house, and the people who allow him to stay there instead of making him move.

27 pounds of trouble.

10. Spring break! Adventures may ensue. Stay tuned.

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  1. Congratulations to Emma - omg frozen custard concrete sounds awesome and yes I would totally hide it from the kids too, LOL, local businesses are great, something we always support as well - Ruby and a fat cat - hey its their house too and they know it. Spring break in a few more weeks for us thinking of taking off too :) happy week

    1. Thank you! She had a great week with show choir and volleyball bookends, plus the conferences in between.
      The concrete is delish! The marshmallow cream swirled into the chocolate makes it sooo creamy!
      Pete HATES Ruby. I thought it would be good for them to be together, but I don't know that it's helped with the hissing and growling from Pete. We left Fletcher at home because he gets carsick.
      Spring Break when it's actually spring would be nice! We will start the week with nice weather and then it turns cool and rainy - yuck!

  2. I bet spring is going to be on about every list this week :-) Congrats to Emma and her choir, that sounds amazing!!!

    Your dessert sounds... WOW!! Recipe, puh-leeeeze!!! I may make it for Calvin's birthday and eat it all by myself because I did all the work :-)

    Have a wonderful week, Dyanne!!

    1. After so much snow for so many people, this spring is going to be very welcome, isn't it?
      The show choir awards was just awesome, thank you!
      Come visit me and I'll take you to Andy's for frozen custard!
      You can't be planning a birthday for Calvin yet! Too soon! Too soon!
      Enjoy your week, Stephanie!

  3. Congrats Emma! Serious comeback for them!

    That is one impressive 27# kitty!

    1. They deserved those awards so much! Very happy ending to the show choir season.
      Petey looks like a limousin steer. Google it.

  4. Yay for Emma. You must be so proud. And are you kidding me? A 27 pound cat. My sister's cat was 17 pounds and I though he was huge. No wonder you can't chase him away. A 27 pound sits wherever a 27 pound cat wants to. Enjoy Spring breaks, lake house, ice cream and Spring weather.

    1. Very proud of that girl! She's a keeper!
      27 lbs might be excessive. He only eats Science Diet food and no table scraps.And yes, a 27 lb cat sits pretty much anywhere he wants to, if he's not too fat to get himself there!
      Sat on the porch and looked at the lake this evening in the beautiful spring weather!

  5. Emma has it all together, doesn't she?

    Your big cat is more than half Willow's weight! (Granted, she is small for a Lab, but still. . . )

    Can't wait to hear about your adventures. Have fun, and be safe!

    1. She's a really good girl.
      Pete makes more than 3 Ruby's.He's also a big sissy, so one look at Willow and he'd be gone like a shot.
      Thank you! I'm not planning any big activities, but sometimes, adventure just finds me :)

  6. Hooray for Emma and her show choir and her volleyball club. That is all fantastic news!
    Oh, make a much better door than a window. Clearly you have been taking lessons from the Rottens who sit in front of my computer screen.
    Twenty seven pounds of cat is a lot of cat. Our Fat Boy is tipping the scales at 12 and we tease him about his wide load ass all the time. Perhaps he's not so hefty after all...
    Busy weeks are good. We had that and a busy weekend, too. All good things.
    And yay spring. Just YAY.

    1. It was a good week for that girl!
      What is it about cats liking to be in your way? My parents' tv is the only one she can comfortably get in front of, so she did :)
      12 pounds is NOTHING. Fletcher is 15. Ruby is only about 8. Your Rottens are not hefty at all!
      There are bad kinds of busy, but this has been a good kind of busy week.
      Yay x 1 million!

  7. Congratulations on the first prize of Emma's choir!

    Seven teachers in parent-teacher conferences? It is amazing! --In Japan, only the homeroom teacher talk with the parents...

    1. Thanks, Romi!

      She has 7 classes, so we visit with each teacher. We don't have homeroom at our school. It's a huge workout, since the school is three stories and is two blocks long, and the teachers are in their classrooms. I was exhausted when it was over!

  8. The choir certainly deserved some accolades. They have really been left out of the post-tornado frenzy of giving.
    You really don't realize how often you pop something in the microwave until you don't have one.

  9. Hey, ours is the Medicine Shoppe too, and they know me too! In fact, I need to get a refill. To the list!
    Congrats, to Emma and her group!!!
