
Friday, October 31, 2014

Gotcha Day: Ruby's List of Thankfuls

Soooo, this is Ruby. Yesterday was my Gotcha Day. You know, the day I went to live with my forever family? My mom thought it would be a good opportunity for me to tell everyone how grateful I am for that, so she told asked me to write this week's Ten Things of Thankful post. Here goes:

1. I used to live with my kitty mom and brothers at a house out in the country. When I was first born, the lady that lived in the house sent a picture of me to my mom. Of course, my mom was hooked from that first picture; she just didn't know it yet. Thankful for that!

My newborn picture.

One month old.

2. There were a couple of big, dumb dogs that lived at that house. I'm thankful my kitty mom taught me and my brothers how to climb a tree, because one of them used to claim he was playing with us, then he would chase us. Not cool, buddy, but look who now lives inside a nice house full time and look who still has to hang around outside! I still used my tree climbing skills at my new home, only I climbed my mom instead of a tree; that is, until they took me to the vet one day, and I came home without claws or a kitty maker. But that's okay. I don't miss either of them.

3. When the lady took me to her work and handed me to my mom, my mom said she was going to take me home for a test drive (whatever the hell that means). I'm thankful that I passed that test! 

First night at my new home.

Could I BE any cuter?

4. My new house came with two big kitty brothers (step brothers, really, but I don't like to use labels like that). I was used to brothers, so it was kind of nice. Sort of. I also got a dad who SAID he didn't want me to stay, but he obviously didn't mean it, and a human sister who was so excited when she found out that I was staying that she cried. Cried! Real tears! There's a human brother, too, but he's only here sometimes. When he's here, he insists on carrying me around flipped over on my back, which I'm not real crazy about, but other than that, he's okay.

5. I'm thankful for my kitty brother, Fletcher. Love to annoy the crap out of play with him! When I was really little, I used to chase his tail when he was annoyed with me and was flipping it around, taunting me with it. Good times! He's also really fun to jump on and wrestle with, because he just rolls over on his back and cries for mom while I get to tackle, bite, and kick him. Well, until mom catches me. She even squirts me with water sometimes, of all the nerve!

Found out quickly not to try to sit in Fletcher's box.

6. My other kitty brother is Pete. He likes to pretend like he hates me. And I mean, REALLY hates me. Not a day goes by that he doesn't hiss, growl and call me names EVERY SINGLE TIME he sees me.  I'm thankful he's SUPER fat and can't run very fast, because one of my favorite things to do when he's being all pissy like that is to run past him, stopping briefly to biff him one with a paw as I pass. (I like to call those "drive bys.") I know, that deep down, he really loves me. Totally kidding! He REALLY DOES hate me.

7. I'm thankful those stupid puppies are gone. I don't know WHAT my mom was thinking when she brought them home, but they were nothing but trouble from the minute they walked in the door until they left a month (seemed like longer) later. They took my toys. They ate my food. They took all my mom's time and attention. THEY POOPED AND PEED ON THE FLOOR, and boy, does my mom get mad if one of us CATS do that, but they did it several times a day and STILL GOT TO LIVE HERE. Go figure.

8. Can I say again that I'm thankful the puppies are gone? There were two of them, after all.

Keeping an eye on the puppies.

9. I'm thankful for a house with lots of windows. When I'm not sleeping, playing with twist ties, wrestling with shoes, or bugging my brothers, I like to look out the windows at the squirrels and birds in the trees. I'm also a HUGE fan of the trash truck. I LOVE Tuesday mornings, when it comes up the street! As soon as I hear it coming around the corner, I'm there, baby, watching every move from my safe perch in the window.

10. I'm thankful that my mom loves animals, even stupid puppies. So she accidentally kidnapped a puppy; she MEANT well! I told her for my Gotcha Day, I really didn't want any presents (lies) and would rather give something to help pets who need a home of their very own. She not only bought a case of catfood to give to the local humane society, she got me a can of Fancy Feast! Life is good!

Not happy about the party hat...

...But he hated the hat worse than I did...

...And HE hated the hat worst of all!

It's been a good year. Sure, there was the Christmas tree incident last year, but I learned my lesson, and you won't see me climbing up there THIS year. Maybe. Yeah, probably will still do it. 

Got room in your heart for an animal who needs a home? Think about adopting a shelter animal. Or one whose kitty mom got knocked up and needs her babies to find good homes. Then SPAY OR NEUTER those furballs!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. This was such a great twist on your list of thankfuls this week, Dyanne. My goodness! So cute cats are as newborns. This is my first time seeing one that was just born. Seeing the one month old picture makes me think that must be how old our second cat was when we got her. I know they said he was a little too young, but I didn't know how young. We've had 2 cats when I was growing up. So far, me and hubby haven't had any pets. Loved hearing about Ruby's mischief. So cute! :)

    1. Thanks, Brittnei! She was so tiny and cute and sweet! She's still pretty small, especially compared to our other two big lugs. Mostly still sweet. When I saw that teeny little ball of calico, I knew I was going to take her!

  2. Ruby, you are LOVELY, and you have a beautiful family.

  3. Ruby is so cute and I really enjoyed your post this week, not that I don't all the time but you know what I mean. It's funny how many cats get into the Christmas tree. I remember Rambo (how I miss that cat) one year climbing the tree but he did it before it was decorated. After the tree was trimmed he lost interest. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Susan! It will be interesting to see what happens this Christmas. She had a barrel of fun with the tree last year, before it went up and was in pieces on the floor, during assembly, during decorating, while it was up, during un-decorating, and while it was back in pieces on the floor again. I hope she's too big to get up there this year, after last year's fiasco.

  4. Oh Ruby how I do love this list and all the photos! Forgot how little you were when you came!!! Xo zoe ps I could become a cat person cuz of you!


    1. Zoe, just between you and me, I KNEW you could become a cat person! Shhhh! Don't tell Skip! --Ruby

  5. Oh, Ruby, you are so cute. I'm a dog person, but I really do find you adorable. (Just don't pretend to be friendly, then decide to bite me--that kind of behavior really puts me in the "dog person" category.) Happy gotcha day!

    1. I don't bite, Kristi. Well, except for my brother. I would just talk to you and rub against your legs. I might ACT like I'm going to climb your leg, but, you know, no claws, so THAT'S not going to happen. --Ruby

    2. OK. I'll be a cat person around you, Ruby. :-)

  6. Coincidence! I write about Cloudy, you, Ruby! And she was So cute when she was younger!

    1. I shall look forward to reading about Cloudy! Ruby was such a little fluff ball when she was little!

  7. I LOVE this post. Ruby sure is cute and sure knows how to play it. I have to admit, even though it won't be repeated this year, the Christmas tree shot is the best. No wonder you couldn't write the post yourself, what with celebrating Halloween with preschoolers and all.

    1. Ruby has everyone wrapped around her finger and she knows it. She was very cute in the tree, until the Horrible Incident.
      We had 750 trick or treaters and would have had more if it hadn't been so stinkin' cold!

    2. Seriously??? You had 750 trick or treaters??? That's crazy!

    3. My neighborhood is insane on Halloween! If it had been warmer, we would have had 1000 kids.

  8. It was national cat day this week!.....

    If cats stayed as kittens I would easily have fifty instead of three.

    1. Kittens are the cutest things EVER. Except for the climbing everything with those little needle-sharp claws. When Ruby wanted her mommy, she just climbed right up me. She still stands on her hind legs and wraps her front legs around my leg while looking into my face and telling me something urgent.

  9. Being a mom to kitties of every stage from new born to seniors, I LOVED your list of thankfuls, Ruby! I know how much love and laughter you have added to the lives of your family, and how you keep your brothers on their toes! :-) Two of our furkids are rescue kitties and two came from a mom that was rescued, so I totally agree with you about adopting... and spaying/neutering! May you live a long, healthy, and happy life... and have fun in that Christmas tree! :-)

    1. Thanks, Josie! My brothers both came from shelters. My mom talks about the cat she used to have when she got married that was 21-1/2 years old when he died. I'm hoping to beat his record. My mom has issued a ban on climbing in the Christmas tree after last year's debacle, but we'll see.... --Ruby

  10. Cats and Kittens are so much fun, I've always had at least one.

    1. I often wonder how people who don't have cats make their beds.I can't imagine trying to put on clean sheets without a cat "helping."

  11. hey! I remember the 'Christmas Tree Incident' when it actually happened. Some lifeforms were less than totally amused at the time, not to mention anyone by species.

    1. Hey! I will admit that it was a little scary. But climbing that tree was FUN, especially coming out from the middle and sliding down the outside, taking out ornaments as I went. Good times, I tell you! --Ruby

  12. Oh my goodness, the hats are adorable and hilarious!! Happy Gotcha Day, Ruby!!!

  13. Dog. Dog. Dog. Cat. Dog. But. The Cat. Is. So. Cuuu.Dog. Dog. Cat. Dog. Cute. Cat. Dog. Bark. Meow.

  14. You know what, Lizzi? I was lying on my mom's lap, pinning her arms down while she tried to type, just this evening!
    I think every cat (and yes, I guess even stupid dogs) should have a home.
    I would have agreed with you about the puppy thing if my mom and sister hadn't kidnapped that puppy last weekend.
    I'm never going to live down that Christmas tree thing, am I? --Ruby

  15. Dear Ruby, This is my third attempt at leaving a comment here and if it's eaten my your mommy's mean blog then I guess I shall never get to tell you that you are adorable and an amazing writer. Mommy meant well with those pups and in the end, you got to stay while they did not. She did a good, good thing. You should be proud of her. You look especially stunning in your party hat but I do think my all time fave photo of you is the one in the Christmas tree!
    Happy Gotcha Day!

    1. Ohhh, I'm so glad mom's mean ol' blog didn't eat THIS comment! I LOVE hearing that I'm adorable and an amazing writer! I SHOULD be a pretty good writer, though, considering how much time I've spent lying on my mom's laptop while she writes.
      Those puppies were stupid, stupid, stupid, but you're right, see who got the last laugh?! By the way, you DO realize she kidnapped a puppy last weekend, right?
      That Christmas tree was a solid month of good times! Okay, a solid month minus one day. That one day wasn't so good. --Ruby

  16. This might be my all time favorite TToT post. I love that Ruby "wrote it" this week, and boy oh boy is she adorable!

    1. Thanks, Jen! Ruby has spent hours lying in my lap while I write, or TRY to write. She obviously learned something!

  17. Oh dear -- you have definitely got me thinking kitties. What a cutie and pretty cat Ruby is. We have two cats and a dog (who had his birthday yesterday). My daughter and I would take every needy heart home. But of course, I'd be the one cleaning up all the cat hair. And our two kitties were rescues.

    1. Did you read my post from Monday? You have to be careful about taking every needy animal home, because, well, you'll have to read it! And yes, my kids want every kitten we see, but look who's using a special tool to scrape the cat hair off the area rugs and furniture and who isn't...

  18. Happy Gotcha Day, Ruby!
    Our Mom and Dad got us from a foster mom - our mom and all of us brothers and sisters were rescued from an alley somewhere and got to live in her house until we got our new families. We were the last three brothers and we all got to live together! They took our guy parts away, but it's OK...we aren't needing them for anything.
    Our Gotcha Days are coming up this month and next month - maybe we should try to get our Mom to let us take over her blog, too.
    Love, the Three Rotten Cats

    1. Hi, guys! Gee, y'all are true alley cats, huh? Glad you got a good family, like me. I've heard my mom talking about you guys and some of your, um, antics, and I think we would be great friends! Love, Ruby

  19. I'm not a cat person, but even I will admit that it's a cute cat. Also this is the first time I've ever read something written by a cat, so I'd like to thank you for that.

  20. how did I miss this...well I have been in a fog lately - anyway so so so cute she was and still is a cutie.


    1. Thanks, Marisa! Sorry you've been in a fog - that's not good.

  21. Yay the Cat in the Hat has nothing on Ruby! She should be the Official SpokesCat of the Internet!

  22. I can only imagine you are as distressed as I am this morning (election results). Glad you got your kitty,

    1. VERY distressed. Glad I have my precious pumpkin girl to be silly and help me take my mind off that sea of red....
