
Friday, September 5, 2014

First Days, Birthdays, and a Contest!

Cutting to the chase. This is the Ten Things of Thankful and these are the things I am thankful for this week:

1. Rain, rain, glorious rain! We are so dry here, as is a lot of the country, and we got steady, heavy rain that began in the night Monday night and continued most of the day Tuesday.

2. The first day of preschool. Tuesday was the first day for my primary class, Wednesday was the first day for my pre-k class. Prepare yourself for preschool stories.

Me (to 4 year old who was pulling at her britches): What are you doing? Are you okay?
4 year old: Fixing a wedgie.

3. A quick-thinking assistant teacher. Bat sleeping in the hallway yesterday morning ended up being a bat swooping and flapping up and down the hallway. My assistant teacher Janet shut the door when she heard there was to be a bat removal (said removals usually going fairly smoothly, with the sleepy bat swept out the door with a broom to fly away OUTSIDE). I looked out the little window in our door to see the bat flying up and down the hallway. Had she not shut the door, I would have walked right out of the room and into a flying bat's path.

4. Prizes! I forgot to include this the past two weeks, but I was the WINNER, WINNER, WINNER of a contest sponsored by Beth Teliho to guess what personal disaster might befall her when she went on vacation with her family. I had the winning guess with loss of bladder control. Sorry, Beth, that you peeing yourself turned out to be a thankful for me! I received an envelope in the mail some time thereafter, although NO ONE IN MY FAMILY BOTHERED TO TELL ME IT WAS THERE. And inside I found lip balm and a nifty pair of socks, both of which my daughter stole (which is why we call her the 100 lb. raccoon).

5. Ruby. She has missed me this past month while I had to spend so much time with the pooping, peeing, darling foster puppies, and she is all over me like bark on a tree.

6. Volleyball. Tuesday, all three teams lost their games, but Thursday, the Freshmen and JV teams both won - yay! And Emma made the stats in the sports section of the paper for both games, recording 12 digs for Tuesday's game and 11 digs for Thursday's. 

7. Two birds, one stone. The volleyball tournament will be in the same town where our son goes to college, so we will get to see him. 

8. Mysteries! I came home from preschool today to find a delivery from UPS on my doorstep, and it was for ME! Inside was the biggest bag of candy pumpkins I have ever seen. Did I say big? GINORMOUS. 4.5 pounds of delicious, sugary candy pumpkins. With no note. No return address, except for a partial address in Texas. 


Maybe I should make THIS a contest? Whoever figures out who sent me the candy pumpkins gets a prize from ME! Because I want to eat them, but, well, anthrax.

9. Birthdays. Because today is mine. And I may get older, but no one can make me grow up.

10. New schools. Our high school students have made do with makeshift facilities for three years, since the May 2011 tornado destroyed the high school.  This week, the new school finally opened, one week later than scheduled (seriously, how many multi-million dollar building projects get completed only one week beyond their scheduled completion date?). It is spectacular! The Joplin Eagles are finally in their nest!

Tell me happy birthday, enter my contest*, and then link up your Ten Things of Thankful post with us, below. 

*PLEASE. I really want to eat those candy pumpkins!

Ten Things 

of Thankful

 Your hosts

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    1. GOOD! it's the only place I can run anymore ;) Nice to know it worked

  2. *dies laughing at the contest and says nothing*

    GREAT news about the high school.

    1. Enter often!

      The high school is FANTASTIC! Parts of it still aren't completed, but it will be worth the wait!

    2. I hope it's storm resistant. Or that there are no more tornadoes.

    3. It has all kinds of safe rooms built into it.

  3. Happy Birthday, Dyanne.
    I am glad to hear that the new school building has been completed. I've worked in a makeshift school for two years after it was badly damaged by the earthquakes in 2004, and it was so inconvenient. I am happy both for the students and teachers of the new school.

    1. Thanks, Romi!
      Oh, you know exactly what the students and staff have gone through! They are so happy to have a real building again and all be under one roof, instead of in three different locations.

  4. Happy Birthday!!! have a wonderful day ...the high school is beautiful --- :)

    1. Thanks, Marisa! And yes, the high school is beyond gorgeous!

  5. Yee make sure you enjoy yourself teaching the little kids now. Will be hanging around to hear those Pre-School stories.

  6. I so miss writing my TToT this week but I'm busy packing today and don't have a post ready. Maybe I can squeak one off really quick before we leave tonight. Hope you found out who sent you the candy.

    1. When you get back from your trip, you can write TWENTY things of thankful :)

  7. A happy, fun week. I think Josie sent the candy. She's from Texas.

  8. Oooohhhh candy! Also adding years may be mandatory but growing up certainly is not!

  9. I am so glad the school opened. One of the contractors is a brother of one of the teachers at my school. He had emailed her photos the day it was supposed to open. Can't believe from his photos that they got those kids in there the next week. Lotta midnight oil had to be burning! (probably still is) ~May

    1. I believe they worked 24/7 to get it ready. I was in it the Thursday before school was supposed to start (barged in on the press conference announcing the postponement) and knew immediately there was no way they could let kids in there.
      There are still quite a few classrooms that aren't ready yet, including anything in the gyms and the entire performing arts wing. But it will get there!

  10. have you figured out the pumpkins yet? I cant recall if I got a chance to comment on the last puppy post but man your doggies were so visibly larger and more alert! You done soooo good there!

    1. Thanks, Zoe! It has done my heart good to see how alert and happy our puppers were compared to their siblings.
      Do you have a vote for the candy pumpkin contest yet?

    2. I wouldnt even know who to guess... who lives in Texas?

      ohhhhhh.... linus! The great pumpkin?... peter peter punkin eater? no, not him...he woulda eaten them....

  11. Hmm...the great candy caper! Maybe a late delivery from Beth for the contest? Are the mallow pumpkins something you like? Have you told anyone? Like Lizzi. And Lizzi told Beth?? I love a good mystery but I'm with you...if you don't get anyone to fess up then throw those suckers away. This is a crazy world we live in. The new high school is amazing! Wow! I bet the kids are thrilled to be in it and with everything so shiny and new.
    I wish you a happy belated birthday! Never grow up :)!

    1. I love those candy pumpkins. And they have to be made by Brach's. You may be onto something, Sandy!
      The new school is so pretty and it smells so new!
      And thanks! I will NEVER grow up. Wait around and watch me!

  12. Ugh, I detest those little pumpkins. I refuse to enter your contest. But I do wish you a happy birthday (again). I hope it was a wonderful one.

  13. Happy Birthday. Were they, like orange on the sides and green on the top? and made of the same sugar-like substance that candy corn is made of so that if you eat one more than some secret overdoes-threshold you get sugar burns?
    ...have no idea.
    however maybe that's a excuse I can use on zoe's Contest!

    1. Thank you! And yes, orange with green on the top. And like candy corn but even better. And they coat your tongue with a sugary burn and make your teeth fuzzy. And they're delicious!

    2. well then get yer ass over to the other contest Clark... this week is the end...

  14. OHHH. Marshmallow pumpkins. My krytonite! and "Fixing a wedgie." Made me snort. Sounds like you have had a fun and busy week.

    1. I wish I could share some of these with you. 4.5 POUNDS I have!
      She was so matter of fact when she told me she was fixing a wedgie!

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (Late because I've been in bed dying for days.) You and the Fab Hub are one day apart - his is today (well, tomorrow, based on the date of your post).
    I love the wedgie funny. But what do you expect with a question like that aimed at a four year asked, she answered!
    Those pumpkins are awesome, but I never touch 'em dye and all. I'm with the others - if nobody fesses up, I would ditch them because, like you said...anthrax. That's what my mind would have gone to immediately. The only Texas people I know are Josie at Two Shoes in Texas? Do you think it was her?

    1. Thanks, Lisa. Obviously, it's a great time for a birthday! Tell Fab Hub I said to have a good one!
      I did ask and she did answer. She's a loose cannon. I had her last year in primary, and you just never know what will come out of her mouth!
      You are the second one to vote for Josie.

  16. Am I the only one who thinks it disconcerting that bat removal is apparently a common occurrence in your school? (". . . said removals usually going fairly smoothly. . . ")

    Hope you solve the mystery of the pumpkins soon!

    1. Everyone glossed right over that bat thing, didn't they? The church sanctuary is over 100 years old, and apparently there are ways for bats to get into the attic. Then sometimes, they find their way into the rest of the building. When I get to preschool in the morning, I do a quick sweep to make sure there aren't any hanging around (literally!). They like the hallway outside my primary room and a short hall that leads to the ladies lounge, which is next door to my primary room. Whenever we see a bat hanging, we run screaming "BAAAAAAT!" until the building engineer comes and gets it.
      I really want to eat those pumpkins!

    2. So that's how "bats in the belfry" originated! :-)

  17. I hope you had a very happy birthday!! I hope your family spoiled you properly!!! I bet your pre-schoolers are really funny at times! Please feel free to share best-ofs ;-)

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! I spoiled myself when I wasn't sure they were spoiling me enough :) I'm sure I will have plenty of stories throughout the school year!

  18. Happy birthday! I have no clue about the pumpkins. I hope you find out who and that you know and trust them. Eeww bats. I don't care if they eat bugs, they are hideous little things with wings and I don't like them. Haha OPKs are the best (Other people's kids) like your pre-schoolers.

    1. I really love candy pumpkins....
      Bats are terrific friends to the environment as long as they STAY OUTSIDE.

  19. Oh my goodness! That 4 year old had me cracking up just now. I didn't realize you taught more than one class. Ruby looks like she's enjoying all the attention again. Hehe.

    1. They are a funny bunch! It's so different to go from my primary class (two mornings a week) to pre-k (three mornings a week). There's a huge difference between 3 year olds and 4 year olds!

  20. LOL A 4 yr old knows about wedgies?! So makes me laugh:) You're in a great business Dyanne. The fact that you'll never get "old" is the perfect prerequisite for working with the wee ones.
    It is a glorious thing when drought has been the status quo. Me? Don't want to see a rainy day for a really lo-ong time!!
    Congrats Winner, Winner, Winner!! It is too bad you can't break open that bag 'o sugar. I have almost polished off, single handedly, an entire bag of candy corn. Here's a tip: for some reason it tastes better in the day than at night. Go figure! LOL
    #7 - very nice.
    Gotsta run! Happy Tuesday!
