
Thursday, April 17, 2014

O is for Orange Leaf

The pay-by-the-ounce frozen yogurt craze hit our town about three years ago. Two stores opened within probably days of each other. And both were hit by the May 22, 2011, tornado. One was completely destroyed, the other, Orange Leaf, was damaged but able to re-open for business about a month later.

I was very happy that they were able to repair their damaged business, and not at all because I had several Orange Leaf gift cards that I had received as gifts three days before the tornado. I like Orange Leaf. A lot. 

My favorite combination: wedding cake
yogurt and fresh strawberries.

My daughter and I frequent the place for girl time. And do things like take pictures of ourselves while hanging spoons from our noses.

Because while the froyo is divine, the spoons are AWESOME!

We have a drawer full of them at home. My daughter and I are the only ones who love to use them at our house, but to us, everything tastes better with an Orange Leaf spoon. Like applesauce. And pudding cups. 

But the awesome Orange Leaf spoons can be a bit of a pain, because I have been handwashing them, not trusting them to the dishwasher. Until the other day, when I decided to throw caution to the wind and stick one in the silverware compartment of my dishwasher.

It was not pretty.

For comparison:

So, it's back to handwashing I go.

You're worth it, cool Orange Leaf spoon. You're totally worth it.


  1. I wonder how many others have fallen in love with Orange Leaf spoons?

  2. (big surprise here)… I'm liking the customized spoon! there is a certain organic character that says to the User: 'this is casual dining, anywhere near the mouth will do! we are the utensil of the future, and soon will be used in outer space'


    1. It's a SHOVEL. A sweet, little SHOVEL. And it fits nicely in a pudding cup.

  3. It must be simply yummilicious ! And healthy too !

    1. It IS yummilicious! Healthy, meh, probably not! But healthier than frozen custard,which is also big around here, so there's that.

  4. hahha frozen yoghurt - heard a lot- now obvly u r tempting and those orange leaf spoons are really cute and this explains ur blog DP too :) LOVELY !
    Girl times r d best

    1. Icy cold and delicious!

      And we had to fake the picture of us hanging the spoons from our noses, because you can only hang a stainless steel-type spoon, but we had a lot of fun trying! The four older folks sitting near us were not nearly as amused by our antics as we were, however!

  5. Yum, that looks so good. I'm glad they were able to rebuild and return to business after the devastation. A success story! And cool spoons.
    Silvia @

    1. Little by little, homes and businesses are being rebuilt (one-third of the town was destroyed or badly damaged by the tornado). And those spoons really are amazing little tools!

  6. I always wondered about the spoon to nose photo... gotta love a shovel spoon.

    1. It was not an easy shot to get. The spoons kept falling into our eyes.

  7. Ah froyo! My roommate and I fell in love with one near our house last year and got to a point where we frequented it far more often than we should have. I have always loved that photo of you and your daughter and now I have the context to go with it.

    Kate at Daily discovery

  8. Aha! The mystery of the spoons on the noses picture is revealed! I haven't ever heard of Orange Leaf, and I've only had frozen yogurt from one place, which I believe the Ladyfolk took me to. It was really good actually. Not sure why we haven't gone back. Winter. I'm going to say Winter. Unless we went in the Winter. Then I have no idea why we haven't...

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink
