
Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Simple List Of Thankfuls From My Simply Exhausted Self

I'm only five days into the A to Z Challenge, and I'm EXHAUSTED! There's a reason they didn't call it the A to Z Walk In The Park. Plus, we left town Friday night to spend the weekend at my parents' home, spent all day Saturday in a gym, watching volleyball, went out to dinner, and got home laaate. And I still had to write my post for the A to Z Challenge (read it here, it's very short and has a delightful photo of me in it).

Ruby in our suitcase. Don't worry, princess!
You get to go to Grandma's with us!

 Here's my list, such as it is:

1. I cut 6 inches off my hair, and I feel so much lighter! Isn't it funny how something so simple can make you feel so much better?

2. Two tornado watches this week, no tornadoes. 

3. I think #2 counts as two.

4. My daughter's girls sextet got a "I" at district music contest, which qualified them to compete at the state level next month.

5. We had a moment of civility when Pete ate from the trough food bowl without growling and hissing at Ruby as she sprawled on the floor next to him.

6. Dinner date with my husband at a restaurant that has recently been rebuilt after the tornado. The food was only okay, but it's always good to see our town being rebuilt, bit by bit.

7. Chips and salsa.

8. Funny texts from my very smart and very funny son, the College Boy.

9. A volleyball weekend (next to last one and that's a thankful in its own right, but I'll save that for another day) near my parents' home, and they were able to come watch their granddaughter play (and play very well, I might add).

10. I have a cold. An odd choice for a thankful list, but it's the first one I've had this entire school year, so I think that is certainly something for which to be thankful. I think I'll name this cold "Bo"....

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Bo (?!!)

    … you realize that the Newshouters on TV are gonna love this idea…. the hell with the old-fashioned Hong Kong Flu or whatever generic name…. (this just in!! Rhinovirous Bo is devastating much of the Midwest… Kleenix supplies are at critical levels!! Film at 11")

    1. A few years ago, I decided to start naming my colds after whom I assume to be the giver. Pretty sure I nailed this one :)

  2. damn! (being a scott) and having The Voice!!! ayiee! I would so sign up for Pay-per-View

    1. I'm working on it, I'm working on it. Let me make sure to cough up my lungs a few times to enhance it, just for you... :)

  3. The haircut is not that spectacular to anyone but me. From the front, I don't look that much different. My hair was tapered, so it was longer in the back than the front. Now it's the saaaame.

    Still working on the "voice". Cough started today, so it's likely.

    Thanks! How many letters are in the alphabet?! Oh, wait, I teach that, don't I?

  4. Your parents are so cute sitting up there... my folks would have never made it that far. I am so impressed with the kitty civility...I am thinking seriously of cutting off this mop of hair... just cant bring myself to do it.

    1. If you only knew what it took to get them to the top of the bleachers! The kitty civility lasted about 30 seconds, but that's still progress. I still have a mop of hair. It was just too long and needed pruning.

  5. I sure hope Bo leaves soon and you get to feeling better. It is hard to believe as a teacher this is the first cold of the school. So, yes. Thankful you should be. I love the pic of your folks! How great that they got to come to a game. My Nikki is just starting to play volleyball and I've been helping her out a little....I forgot how much fun it is to play! Congrats to your daughter and her sextet! Great news :)
    Sweet little Ruby! I just love her face.

    1. Me, too! This is the first time I've had a cold with a cough since my surgery. Two years and that incision across my stomach is still tender, which I can tell with every. single. cough.
      I hope Nikki enjoys volleyball! My daughter loves it! She's not very tall, but she's quick. And she's really looking forward to the trip to State, as it is an overnight trip (gulp!).
      I love my Ruuuuubyyyyy!

  6. such an awesome list!!! I hope that I can participate on Sundays soon -- I am a mess in April. ARRRGH! YOU did great and I am so proud of your daughter going to states with her sextet and the son, being funny (major to me) and the volleyball, and the cats and everything and feel better!!! xox jean! xox

    1. It wasn't easy squeezing this post in there on my one "day off" from A to Z. Good Lord, it's a rough month, isn't it?!

  7. So many things need herdin', but I don't think many things are easy to herd. :-)

    1. Let's bear in mind that the kid has never been within 50 feet of a horse. I don't see a lot of herding in his future :)

  8. That text was fantastic - too funny. A six inch haircut is indeed something that can make you feel lighter - I love that feeling. Almost worth growing it out just to do that.
    Sorry you aren't feeling well - you gotta have my famous Sick Tea. Zilla asked me to make her some today and I swear she's improved already. That stuff is magic...
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Freshly cut ends on the ol' hair feel so goooood!
      I can't find the tea recipe at the Prevention link. Am I doing something wrong? Does it really smell like feet?

  9. Chips and salsa always makes me happy!

    And love the text from your son :)

  10. Favorite part? That your college son calls you mama. Mama is the most wonderful word in the world, and I still call my mother so. Wrote a post about it once.

    1. I don't anticipate him herding anything other than the three cats at our house.

  11. I know what you mean by exhausted from AtoZ ... I try not to think about it and power through. I still have about 4 posts left to flesh out.

    Stopped by from AtoZ. Give me a visit some time.

    1. You have all of them done except for four?! I have none of them done, except for a partial one. Maybe next year, I'll actually plan ahead, although that would be very unlike me to do so.

  12. Interesting.
    Good to know your town is being rebuilt. good luck to ur kids and ya Am exhausted too by now :( not sure hw I will run till Z!

  13. I have to admit, I had to read "sextet" several times before I realized it wasn't something to do with sexting. I'm so relieved it was a singing competition instead of a sexting incident.

    Good luck with that A-Z thing. I'm glad I did it last year, as it was fun and I met lots of new people, but have mercy. It is a lot of work!

    If your son would like some practice, I have all sorts of things that need herding.

    1. Maybe I should have just said "ensemble"?

      I did it because I loved yours from last year. Maybe I should have asked you about it before I committed to it!

      My son has seriously never herded anything other than a cat. But I'd love to have video of him herding your pigs and chickens! I'll send him up right after finals.

  14. "Whatever need herdin' mama" might be my new go-to line because AWESOME. I can't do the Z-A thing or whatever it is either but you GO you. Also I hope you feel better. And soon.

    1. It's a good go-to line. My personal favorite on is "Not my circus, not my monkeys." It's becoming my mantra.

      I wish it had only been the vowels or something. 26 is a lot....

  15. I've just found your blog via Christine (In the Coop) and looking forward to reading more. Love the photo of Ruby in the suitcase, what a gorgeous little cat she is. I'm cat mad and have eight of my own - be glad I don't live near you or I'd be adding Ruby to my family! lol

    1. Thank you so much! I've seen your comments on Christine's posts; I'll be coming over to check your blog out as soon as I get out from under this A to Z nightmare! I know we are destined to be friends, as cat people really must stick together. (My husband told me two was our limit. Then I brought home Ruby. Any more than that may push him over the edge.)
