
Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Thankful Heart Is A Happy Heart

Was it just me, or did this week start out really slowly and end with a whoosh? On Tuesday of this week, I thought there must be some mistake, because there was NO WAY it wasn't at least Thursday. AT LEAST. Now it's Friday, and I'm sitting down to write my Ten Things of Thankful list and thinking to myself, "Didn't I JUST DO THIS, like, yesterday?" 

Guess not.

Well, then, here goes nothing:

1. I am thankful "B" week is over in pre-k. We opened band-aids and stuck them on a "B" page, had a balloon blast-off, made bread, made butter, had a teddy bear picnic, used our scissors (BIG deal) to cut out a boa constrictor, and had our first fire drill (which has nothing to do with "B" week, other than making a busy week even busier).  

2. I'm thankful for the laugh courtesy of my primary class. We have talked about shapes this week: we made a shape placemat, we traced shapes, we read books about shapes, and we identified shapes from flashcards. They were great at it: they pretty much all got triangle, circle and square. Most of them got rectangle and oval. A couple of them even knew octagon and pentagon.  Then I showed them a half-circle (an odd choice for a flashcard, but that's the risk you take when you buy flashcards from the Dollar Spot at Target). They looked at it and said, "Taco." Can't argue with that answer.




3. I'm thankful for frozen yogurt, because it makes me think I'm eating healthfully even when we all know it's just cleverly disguised ice cream.

4. I'm thankful candy pumpkins are only available once a year and the time is now. I love every sugary good bite (and always eat the stem first, if you were wondering), even when my tongue is wearing a little candy pumpkin jacket (eat half a bag of them and you'll know what I mean). They wouldn't be as tasty if they were available all year long, and I would look like a giant pumpkin if I ate them all year long, so it all works out for the best, don't you think?

Brach's Mellowcreme Pumpkins

5. I am thankful for the iPhone iOS 7 update. THERE IS A LEVEL APP ON THERE NOW! DID YOU KNOW THIS?! Now I can hang things on my walls without having to go in search of a level in the mess that is our basement. Of course,that implies that I care beyond "good enough" just how straight my pictures are on my walls, but the point is, I CAN make sure they are level, if I want to, with this snazzy app.

6. I am thankful for my bathtub. It's big and deep, and I fill it with bubbles galore. And then I lie in it for hours at a time, reading, watching tv, crushing a little candy, napping. 

A little something for Jak and Clark

7. I'm thankful that I have had a visitor from the U.K. here this week and have had a lovely time showing her around town. Look for more about this some time in the next week or so.

8. I am thankful to be contributing financially to the public library and the wing they will be naming for me, since I see a library book that I REALLY meant to renew is still sitting on my bedside table.

9. I'm thankful to have my college boy home for the weekend. With his laundry. And his appetite. And the trail of empty food containers and Coke cans left in his wake.

He's hooooome!

10. I'm very thankful that fall has finally decided to make an appearance, blessing us with delightful weather which has allowed us to sleep with the windows open. Never mind that the cats squabbled over which one of them got to sit on table by the open window, knocking a fan off onto the floor in the process. The cool breeze, the sound of crickets and frogs, the far away wail of a train, all make for a glorious night.

Be ever thankful.

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Whoa whoa whoa wait. You have a tv in your bathroom?? Send that boy back to college; I'm moving in!

  2. Why thank! you! ( 'no, Jak... do *not* tell her about the new iphone app app... 'cause she might get mad and stop taking pictures!')

    hey, what is it about some weeks? I see more of the occasional... 'everyone is crazy weeks' than I do of the slow then fast weeks. But when I do, I'm always amazed at how many other people report the same kind of week.

    (I got every shape! First try, too!)

    ... the answer is: the boots Christine was wearing in the chase the pig video from this week. (you'll want to have been told).

    will get back tomorrow.

    1. ha! "I got every shape!" actually made me say that out loud. :)

      Did you write this comment before your post?!? Is this where the boot reference started??

    2. I posted this way after him, Christine.

      Aren't you just thrilled that I am thankful for my bathtub, Clark?

  3. The "taco" shape made me laugh out loud...I cannot argue with that logic..nope!

    I'm jealous of your tub. I've lived in this house 12 years and have probably only taken a bath in our tub less than 5 times. it is SO small--apparently when they put it in "relaxing" or "soaking" weren't things to do in a tub yet. It was simply for getting clean and getting out. *sigh*

    Lovely list of thankfuls!

    1. The first one to say "taco" was the one who thinks she is going to "pretty" school instead of "pre" school.

      That tub is why we bought the house! The previous owners put in a master suite with a huge bathroom and huge Jacuzzi tub (I don't like the whirlpool part of it, though, just the fabulous size).

  4. That taco response is a form of social evolution isn't it? Not necessarily a bad one. A kid from my time probably would have just said "duh."

    1. I never saw a taco in a semi-circle before this week; now, I will never see anything else.

  5. I eat the stems first too. My other fave? Candy corn. Same candy I guess, just different form. Also grateful it's only around (in mass) once a year! Your photo of the chip bags and such left laying around by your son struck a chord with me....I got kinda teary eyed! Mine are still young (6 and 9, boys) and I'm CONSTANTLY getting on to them about leaving food remnants and empty water bottles in the game room. I mean, just yesterday even. And then I see your photo...and you're so grateful to have him home...and I thought, oh my gosh, one day I'm going to miss those little boogars and their messes. :(
    Great post, I thoroughly enjoyed all your entries. I'll be back!

    1. Oooo, I like the candy corn/peanut combo, too. Of course, it's easier just to buy a PayDay bar....

      My son was 9 just last week. He was 6 the week before that. It goes by thatfast. It was good to have him home, but then I have to get used to him being gone all over again.

      Thank you so much for visiting! I appreciate it so very much!

  6. Sleeping by the open window sounds delightful.. Enjoy! I'm glad that I mostly borrow from my work library, and the only send you nice reminder emails, if you forget to return books ;-) The bathtub looks great, even though personally, I'm not much into bubble baths; prefer a hot tub every once in a while!

    Have a great new week!

    1. We should be able to sleep with open windows until November. Maybe even a wee bit longer. Love that fresh air in my room at night!

      I don't do hot tubs, because I always feel like they're human bacteria soup. But love my bathtub time!

  7. OK, I love everything on your list, especially that you love the trash left behind in your son's wake. I'm certain that it's beyond joyful to have him home.

    And "taco" it. And no, you can't argue with genius.

    I love those pumpkins too, but I have to say that candy corn and peanuts are the bomb. And throw in some M&M's and you're really talking. Or just peanut M&M's with the candy corn...probably would work too.

    Frozen yogurt...reminds me I have some ice cream in the freezer. I shall eat it and not pretend that it's healthy. :) You're many steps ahead of me on that.

    Love me some VeggieTales.

    1. It's endearing to have the trail o' trash around when I know he's going to be gone again in two days.

      The taco thing was sheer genius.

      Ice cream OR frozen yogurt is good for you. It has CALCIUM in it. I am under doctor's orders to increase my calcium by a ridiculous amount, therefore, I HAVE to eat stuff like that to be in compliance with my treatment plan :)

  8. No, do not get the candy pumpkins! Did you read that part about a pumpkin coat. They leave a nasty film on your tongue. Don't get them!

    And if you are doggin' VeggieTales, we have a problem.

  9. I love preschoolers!!! It completely looks like a taco! I would have said the same thing. :)

    When you were describing the level app, I was thinking, "No way does she use that thing!" Glad I wasn't wrong. I will not be getting the update. I am perfectly happy with the current version.

    Glad you got to see your boy this weekend. Did he eat all those chips by himself?!? I don't know why I am surprised. There are all of 5 chips in each bag, and he's a teenager. Of course he ate them all.

    1. You totally need to update your phone. You might need to use the level app to check your pig gate or something. I think it's totes cool.

      They were those very small bags of chips, and yes, he ate every one of them with chili (which he told me was fantastic).

  10. YOU DON'T LIKE VEGGIE TALES?! Christine, start singing, "Oh, wherrrrrrrre is my hairbrush?" and we will beat her with it when we find it!

    Yes, my son leaves a mess everywhere he goes. Both of my kids do. I spent the weekend picking up after him, but I didn't mind so much, because it meant he was HOME.

    Candy pumpkins are delish, but you can't eat very many at a time. They are soooooo sweet. And they really do make your tongue feel as though it's been dipped in dryer lint. Plus it makes your toothpaste spit pink.

  11. Well, of course it's a taco--and cylinders should be burritos!

    Enjoy having your son home. I love it when my college boys visit!

    1. Preschoolers are so funny! I didn't even try to explain that it was a semi-circle. I just went with taco.

      We made it until the drive back to school before he fought with his sister!

  12. HA to "this is for Jak and Clark." I'm certain they loved it (and be careful- they can be a greedy bunch and just want more haha).
    Ugh I don't have the update yet. On my phone. Hubs put it on everything else. Is it weird that i don't trust Apple as much since Steve died?

    1. So far, so good on the update, for the most part. Although it makes me sign into blogger every. single. time. I get an email with a comment approval instead of just going straight to the post like before. Gotta do some research....

      Jak and Clark will get the same speech I give to my preschoolers: You get what you get and you don't throw a fit.

    2. but...but!!! thats just not *fair*!!!

  13. You sound like such a creative and energetic teacher, Dyanne. Love what you did for B week ... that must mean it's the second week back of the school year over in the USA does it? LOL 'taco' kids are so funny! I think I have the same relationship with frozen yoghurt as you do :)Your bathtub looks devine.

    1. Thank you, Lizzy! It was the third week of preschool. The first week, we just learn how to go to school, i.e., walk in a line, sit in the circle quietly. Public school kids (kindergarten through high school) started August 15, which is entirely too early in my opinion.

  14. Candied pumpkins! Dyanne, these sound delicious. Will grab them once I see them~ thanks so much!

  15. I love your list! It made me smile the whole time...when I read the title, I *immediately* started singing the Veggie Tales song in my best Madame Blueberry voice! LOVE that one!! Though, we haven't really watched any Veggies in a lot of years, it just sticks with ya, ya know? Good times.

    And now I want to sing the Cheeseburger song...

    This has been Silly Songs with Larry...

    Glad you got to have your boy home this weekend! Yay!!

    And I have been known to crush some candy in my day, but never in the bathtub. Probably because our bathtub has become Jiffy's bathtub...that would be our 12 year old Westie. I never used it anyway...

    1. Yay for Veggie Tales! My favorite one is the chocolate factory one.I find myself singing, "The bunny, the bunny, ooo, I love the bunny."

      No one else likes the bathtub at my house except me, so it's ALL MINE. Both cats have fallen in at one time or another, though, due to teetering around the edge of it, watching the bubbles.

  16. I love VeggieTales:) Best ever! I love bubble baths, and frozen yogurt. It sounds like you had a good week!!! I love the fall weather, too:)

  17. Completely agree that it's a taco. And THANK YOU for the reminder about candy pumpkins. I had totally forgotten. yum

    1. Amy's To Do List:

      1. Go buy candy pumpkins, hide them from your kids, and eat them all yourself.

      2. Write your own Ten Things of Thankful for this weekend's link up :)
