
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Digging Deep: 10 Things Of Thankful

This week ended with me in a rather crappy mood, and I've had a time coming up with my 10 Things of Thankful. Unloading some of it on a friend made a huge difference (thanks, Lizzi), so here goes:

1. I am thankful my friend Lizzi made me an AWESOMESAUCE blog button this week. Check out those lemons! 

2. I am thankful that I picked up a couple extra turkeys when they were on sale around Thanksgiving, because I baked one today, and we enjoyed turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy for supper last night. Yes, in July. 

3. I'm thankful my daughter actually DOES read my blog, because she always says she doesn't, even though that means she now knows there was a dead mouse in the closet.

4. I'm thankful that Pete wanted to be a lap kitty today. He's not usually like that with me, and I don't have enough lap to make it a particularly comfortable experience for either of us (especially me), but the effort was appreciated.

There's way more Pete than lap.

5. I am thankful my daughter is continuing to learn to play the ukulele. When she practices, I feel a little bit like I am in a Bruno Mars video.

6. I'm thankful I didn't fall and break something vital earlier today when I stepped on a white cutting board that was in the middle of my white tile kitchen floor and it flew out from under me. Why was there a cutting board in the middle of my kitchen floor, you ask? Because my husband put it there, so the cat could eat the bits of turkey that were left on it after he sliced some to make a turkey sandwich. His response to my screams was, "I thought you would be able to see it on the floor." But my hands were full of glasses and dishes and such from the family room (left by someone who lives here for 19 more days [not me, though the thought is tempting]), and I wasn't aware that I needed to keep my eyes peeled for cutting boards on the kitchen floor at ANY time. Silly me.

7. I'm thankful I finally cleared level 158 in Candy Crush, because that sucker was going to kill me.

8. I'm thankful that Fletcher had enough sense to come out of the bathroom cabinet where he was napping and yak up his hairball on the tile floor instead of on the towels inside the cabinet.

Fletcher also felt the need to be in my lap.

9. I am thankful for unseasonably cool weather today (hey, I like summer better than winter, but I'm no fool).

10. I'm thankful I finally used up the ginormous bottles of shampoo and conditioner that I thought would be better than what I was already using (it wasn't) and have now gone back to the old stuff that worked JUST FINE. Redken All Soft, if you're curious.

And now, because it made me laugh out loud when it popped up in my Facebook sidebar this week, I leave you with this t-shirt design:


  1. I loved your Thankful list, right down to the 19 days left for the one who shall remain unnamed! :-) Yes, who would think to watch for a cutting board on the floor? Men have an entirely different thought process than women, I'm convinced of that! Still, turkey dinner sounds wonderful, what a great idea! I love your furkids, they are beautiful lap coverings! :-) Wishing you a better and brighter week ahead! :-)

    1. Thank you! You're right - it must be the different thought process. And it was very sweet that he was giving the cat a treat, as he was anti-cat when we first met.

  2. Candy Crush is an ass#ole. I'm like 4 levels ahead of you and hate that I even started playing. I think I've spent $60 on this game because I am too embarrassed to unlock the next level by alerting my facebook losers that I'm playing and also too impatient to wait 3 days (!!!) for each new "quest" which is just as dumb as the last...and yet, I'm addicted and can totally appreciate your number whatever it was. And you are getting the number one prize of ultimate coolness that your daughter is learning to play the ukulele! Seriously. I will be in heaven if I come here and she's playing the Izzy Iz song of It's a Wonderful World/ Over the Rainbow. Swoon.
    Fletcher deserves a special treat for that hairball placement for sure...

    1. So YOU'RE one of the reasons that game is so lucrative for the owners! Friend me on facebook. I will send you lives and tickets so you don't have to be 99 cents-ed to death. It's a stupid, stupid game and proves that I should never start anything like heroin or meth, because I apparently have an addictive personality that has come out in this game.

      I will put the daughter to work on the Izzy Iz song. She is familiar with it, but I don't think I've heard her play it yet. Lots of Ingrid Michaelson comes out of her room, though.

      Fletcher is about 1 for 1000 in proper placement of a hairball.

    2. We iz better dan you cuz you don play.

    3. And yet you keep playing, don't you, Kerri? IT HAS US UNDER ITS CONTROL.

    4. I WILL NEITHER REJECT NOR IGNORE YOU, LIZZI! You can play with me and Kristi anytime you want. We'll climb trees and ride bikes and play Barbies, mmmkay?

  3. Nice melons...I mean LEMONS... hee heehee
    Slipping on the cutting board totally sounds like something I would do!
    We had turkey and gravy and mashed taters just the other night. Good food is good food, anytime!

    1. They are certainly more lemon-like than melon-like! ;)

      I wish I had thought to make a pumpkin pie to go with it.

  4. So glad you were able to come up with a list, in spite of a not so great week. And a glorious list at that. Cutting board on the floor? I would have come unhinged...sounds like perhaps you handled it better than I would have. Perhaps.

    Love that your daughter is playing the Ukelele...that's fantastic.

    And I am SO glad you are not counting the days (is it 18 now?) until someone no longer lives there?...

    Again, I am glad I have never started on Candy Crush...

    1. If I had really fallen, I would have more than come unhinged.

      Some days, I'm counting because I can't wait to get rid of him; some days, I'm counting because there's not enough days. And 18 is correct ;)

      Come over to the dark side and play Candy Crush....

  5. So glad you handled the cutting board incident better than I would have...otherwise there might be TWO people who are no longer going to be living there in (what is it now?) 18 days...but who'se counting?

    Glad the cat had sense to leave the towels...

    Thanks for sharing your list, in spite of the fact that your week was not so great. And it was a glorious list at that. :) You rock!

  6. So glad you didn't hurt yourself on that cutting board and could so see something like that happening in my own house!! And we found out we too have a friendly listen visitor that may be Mickey Mouse's relative in our house. Yes going out to get mouse traps today, because I can deal with a lot, but not a mouse!!

    1. I had a mouse debacle in my preschool room right before Christmas, but little did I know that I was apparently experiencing one in my own house at the same time!

  7. If I might offer a perspective from the Y-chrome side of the fence.

    I would submit that your husband totally was being helpful and considerate!
    Putting the cutting board on the floor accomplished 2 things: a) allowed that the cat would have a maximum meal, what with the tiny pieces and crumbs, 2) saved you (or whoever) from having to wash the cutting board twice and c) it was (from your story) white! I mean how many times are there white oblongs on a kitchen floor

    good list...

    1. In THEORY, what you say is true. In PRACTICE, I nearly busted my behind.

  8. I always stock the freezer with turkeys around Thanksgiving, too! We ate our last one in June. Glad you didn't hurt yourself in your fall.

    1. I also buy amazing spiral cut hams at Aldi before Easter and stash those away in the deep freeze, too.

  9. Okay, I think our cats must be related. Not only do we both have a puker and a pee-r, but our cat who never used to want to sit on laps has now taken to climbing on mine while I work at the computer. I hadn't thought to take a cool photo like yours. My cat butts my arm with his head if I don't pay him enough attention so it makes writing coherently just a teensy bit challenging. Thankfully, he is nowhere to be seen just now. (Probably lying on top of my husband who has gone to bed early because he works early shift tomorrow.)

    I had not heard of Bruno Mars before, but just this minute I noticed my daughter had a song of his on itunes, so I took a listen. Now I'll have to find a video to look at so I can see what it's like in your house! :)

    And glad you didn't hurt yourself when you fell on that cutting board. It sounds painful and I can see why the week might have ended with you in a crappy mood after that!

    1. Our cats ARE related! Both of mine do the head butt thing, too, just like dogs do. And Fletcher lies on top of my husband when he goes to bed (on his hip, as he is lying on his side going to sleep).

      It's an endless ukulele concert at my house. Kind of like being at a luau.

      Skiing across the kitchen floor with one foot on a greasy cutting board was probably scarier than actually falling would have been.

  10. I surely would have broken a hip if I had fallen down rather than just skidding across the floor. I guess from now on I will check the kitchen floor for cutting boards before walking across it! Silly me!

    My cats are lousy at telling time.

  11. I feel so guilty. I am laughing my head off at the visual of you flying through the air.

    1. It could have ended very, very badly. In the MIDDLE of the floor. Not the edge. THE MIDDLE. Sheesh.

  12. Oh my God!!! I'm glad you are ok! I am with you with passing the Candy Crash level, I was stuck in level 111 for about 3 months!!! But I got it! I passed it!
    So cool that your daughter can play the Uke, I'm jealous =)
    Love LOVE your kitties!

    1. Ahh, yet another member of the Candy Crush society! I love it and I hate it. I think I'll now be at 159 for the rest of my life.

      My kitties are fun. Most of the time. When I'm having a hot flash and one of them WON'T GET OFF ME, then not so much!

  13. Mmm turkey and potatoes. Confession - I have never played Candy Crush, nor do I even know what it is. I get the sense I should keep it that way to avoid an addiction.

  14. Yikes, I'm glad nothing severe happened when you fell. If you had landed on and/or broken your tailbone you'd be screwed! Or your head hit the counter?! You husband should be kissing up to you for a long time for that one.

    My mother was the only family member reading my blog, but I think she has stopped, which is likely for the best... lol

    Holy crap ukuleles are tiny. Is she going to start posting Youtube videos of original songs soon?

    I can see what you are saying about your cats. Just be glad they just try sitting in your lap and not paw at your face and/or lick your ear when asleep ;-)

    I can't recall level 158, I'd have to see it. I've blogged about 2-3 of the bitch levels I got stuck on for a long period of time. Some of them are evil.

    I need to design a game so Kristi will give me her monies!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. My husband's response was "I was feeding your damn cat."

      My mother knows nothing about my blog, which is just as well, too :) I have two cousins who are faithful readers. My daughter reads it when I don't want her to (i.e., mouse in the closet). Husband used to read sporadically but now actually subscribes to it, so I have to edit what I say about him!

      Daughter is tiny, so a ukulele is perfect for her. No original work yet, but she looks up ukulele tabs on youtube for favorite songs and she's getting pretty good.

      159 is actually worse than 158, which I wouldn't have thought was possible. And I totally think you're onto something by designing a game for Kristi! Obviously, she'll pay to win....

  15. Isn't is stupid that we always buy new shampoo and stuff although we are content with the product we normally use?

    And wtf?! to your husband with the cutting board! (sorry)

    How cool that your daughter is learning to play the Ukulele!

    Love your lemon bra button! :-)

    1. I had a method behind my madness: I tried a formula for color enhanced hair (that means I dye the hell out of it). But it smelled like an old lady and left my hair feeling coarse (which it is, because it's curly, but the All Soft left it, uh, soft). But that stuff is EXPENSIVE, so I suffered through the whole liter bottle so I wouldn't be wasteful.

      My husband still can't figure out how I didn't see the cutting board on the floor before I stepped on it.

      The ukulele is cool, as are my lemon boobs!

  16. That is such a cute pic of your daughter! OMG, the cutting board incident could have gone seriously wrong what with glasses in your hands!!

    1. Thanks! I think she's pretty cute, too. And yes, I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED. Okay, maybe not, but it would not have been good!

  17. Candy Crush is a doggone beyotch.. So glad I kicked the habit. Stuck at 147......

    I would have totally forgotten that cutting board on the floor too :/
