
Thursday, May 23, 2013

They're Random, All Right

This week's writing challenge by Mama Kat was to list six random facts about yourself. SIX. This is going to be haaarrrrrd! I kind of feel as though I have already revealed it all. That there could not possibly be one thing that I have not already divulged about myself, whether you wanted to know it about me or not. (You're probably thinking the same thing, if you have followed me for some time.) But here goes:

1. I have a recurring dream that I have to pee, but the only toilet is in the middle of a large room, and the room is crowded. No one seems to find a toilet located in the middle of a room odd except for me. And no one pays one bit of attention to me when I finally DO give in and sit on the toilet, but even so, I just can't pee. And guess what? When I wake up from the dream, I have to PEE. 

2. I am scared to go in our basement by myself at night. So I don't.

3. I still have a baby tooth. It is a molar, and there is no permanent tooth underneath it. This discovery was made by our dentist when I was about 13. He went on to tell my mother the detailed (and very expensive) plan he had for fixing this, which included pulling the baby tooth, putting braces on me, and giving me a bridge to fill the space. My mother stopped him and asked how long the baby tooth would stay in my head if we did nothing. The dentist replied that it could fall out tomorrow or it could stay in there until I was an adult. My mom answered, "In that case, we'll leave it in there and let her husband worry about it." The dentist was rather appalled that she would take that approach, but she was willing to take the risk, and now, my husband has to worry about it. So far, so good, though.

4. Kettle cooked jalapeno potato chips make me sneeze. I found that out today.

5. My first job was at McDonald's, the summer after I graduated from high school. We wore bilious green polyester double-knit uniforms and white caps with a matching stripe. I didn't want anyone I knew to come in and see me, so I picked a McDonald's to work at that was about a thirty minute drive from my neighborhood. 

6. Playing Candy Crush Saga always makes me wish I had a big box of Jujyfruits.

Linking to Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop. Prompt #2 List six random facts about yourself.

Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. The have to pee in public dream cracked me up because I have had similar dreams and yes, no one else gets why this is weird in the dream that a toilet is randomly placed on public display.

    1. Sistahs! My husband thinks I'm a FREAK for having this dream!

  2. If one of my girls have the same molar dilemma as you, I will probably make the same decision as your mom.

  3. I don't know how you feel, but I wish food service and stores went back to the old-fashioned polyester nightmares. At least then we would know who was a worker and who was a customer. Polyester never hurt anyone (physically). I see your McDonald's and raise you a Big Boy. I wore a bow tie, a shirt with Big Boys all over it, and a one size fits all skirt to my calves. Of course, I only did it one summer, in a state far away from where I normally lived, where the only people I knew were my mom and siblings.
    You have a wise mother. That dentist was off his rocker to actually suggest doing all of that for a tooth that wasn't causing any harm, and actually doing good.

    1. 1. Agreed. 2. A shirt with Big Boys all over it? You win. 3. That little sucker is still hanging in there, not causing any problems. 4. I know you like it when I number things, so this is a bonus one just for you!

    2. Hahahaha!! As I started reading this reply, I thought, "Oh my word, she's even numbering the replies. I didn't number my comment!"
      Hahaha! This will make me laugh all night, until I go to bed even, which is in approximately 10 minutes.

  4. The McDonald's uniform... quite the get up! Those were the good old days.

    1. It was impossible to wash the smell of french fry out of it.

  5. My first job was at McDonald's too. Those uniforms were cringeworthy.

    1. Oooo, what color did YOU get? I worked at a different store in college and got the navy blue ones. Much better than snake green!

  6. I can barely do basements in the daytime! Especially unfinished ones.

    1. Yeah, mine isn't finished. And it's where my washer and dryer are. Hoping there is never a tornado warning at night when I am home alone.

  7. Mmmmmm. Jujyfruits. I *knew* I liked you.

    1. I just have to be careful not to pull my baby tooth out with one. Do you think the green ones taste like Janitor in a Drum, too?

  8. The baby tooth is fascinating! I think my cousin has the same thing going on with her molar.

    The sneezing chips thing is pretty funny. Now that one, I've NEVER heard before! :)

    1. I sneeze when I eat really strong peppermint, too. It's an odd quirk, I'll admit.

  9. I absolutely love your mom's response to the dentist! I'd think twice about that one too. Glad to hear we're both in the sharp edged baby toe club! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Thanks! Right back at you! Yeah, the dentist was pretty horrified that my mom blew off the whole tooth thing, but she was even MORE horrified at the expensive procedures he was proposing.

      Hey, are your baby toenails funky, too? Mine are tiny and have to be kept very short or they grow at an upwards angle.

  10. Okay, so that's some crazy dream!
    And I'm so glad I don't have a basement. I wouldn't go there either. But we have an attic. I've never been. I don't even wanna stick my head up there to take a peak - because, hello, head cut-off?! No thanks! lol

    1. It's crazy enough to have the dream once, but recurring? I'm sure I need to be psychoanalyzed. I'm okay with the basement during the daytime. Just can't do it at night. Unless there's a tornado, but then the rest of the family is with me so it's ok. We have an attic that I've never been in and never intend to go in.

  11. I have a recurring dream that I have to pee, but every restroom I go into has overflowing or disgusting toilets. I usually have to find a toilet that is somewhat in the view of everyone in order to take care of business.

    1. Bleh! At least the toilets in my dreams are clean. Just right out in the open.

  12. I did not know you worked at McDonald's! Truly, I am fascinated by the fact.

    1. That's how badly I hated that snake green uniform, Dana. Even YOU didn't know I worked there.

  13. OK, we should have coffee...

    I am MISSING a permanent tooth...but I have a 6th lumbar in my back. How weird is that?

    First jobs...Roy Rogers and the "brand new" Burger King in town. Those uniforms always smelled exactly like the store. The Roy Rogers is now a bank and the Burger King...still there and going strong.

    Love the pee dream...and now I have to pee.

    1. We must be related. Bet I know what you're going to dream about tonight....

  14. What a great prompt! I have a recurring dream that I'm back in college and completely unprepared for that exam.

    BTW, Kettle cooked jalapeno potato chips sound delish! Too bad they make you sneeze.

    1. I have the college dream, too, just not nearly as often as the pee dream. Nor is it as weird. The chips only made me sneeze with the first few bites. Guess my nose had to get used to it. Unfortunately, as they are loaded with calories and fat, I got used to them and ate half the bag in one sitting.

  15. 1. I've had entire dreams revolving around the need to pee and wake up having to go. My least favorite recurring nightmare is that my front teeth fall out or get knocked out. I always wake up crying.
    2. I'm with you on this one. I pretty much never go into our old creepy basement. One time my husband was working midnight when we tripped a breaker and the electricity went off. I called my husband home to go into the basement and flip the switches ;)
    3. This story cracked me up and I loved your mom's response (smart lady)! My wisdom teeth never came in, there are none under there. Good for me since dentists seem to just pull them all. I don't understand why they always want to pull seemingly healthy/harmless teeth. You keep that baby tooth and show them who's boss ;)
    4. Never had one, so I can't comment. But a semi-related thing of mine is that I think Kettle Corn smells soooo good while it's cooking, but I don't like it. I try it every time I smell it but I still don't like it :(
    5. Those uniforms sound awesomely horrible and I would've worn it to school just for fun. Then again, I'm kind of a weirdo.
    6. I have never played Candy Crush and I have never eaten Jujyfruit.

    Great list, the tooth story alone would've been a great post all by itself :) Visiting from Mama Kat's

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by! I've had teeth dreams, too. Mine are loose and I'm FREAKING out. Maybe it's because of the baby tooth? Hmmmm. I don't like kettle corn, either, although it DOES smell delish. (I do make the best caramel popcorn you will ever eat, though. No joke.) Candy Crush is horribly addictive, as are Jujyfruits ($1 a box at Walmart).

  16. I've never had jalapeno chips but Altoids make me sneeze every time. I've never played Candy Crush but I love jujyfruits. So I guess what I'm saying is that I can relate, but only somewhat. ;)

    1. Altoids make ME sneeze, too. Strong peppermint and artificial jalapeno flavoring. Nice.

      Candy Crush is the first game I've ever played on Facebook, and I'm sorry I started, because it's completely addictive. And makes me want Jujyfruits. Now you know you're going to have to try it and see if it does the same to you.
