
Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Talents Are Many...

There's a commercial currently airing in our area which promotes Oklahoma tourism with the song, appropriately enough, "Oklahoma." I love the song, and I love the way the commercial was shot. And I LOVE singing with it.  

See, one of the few things I haven't already revealed about myself in previous blog posts is that I have always wanted to sing Broadway-style. You know, really able to belt out a song.

The only thing holding me back is my lack of singing talent.

I am, however, not without other talents. Allow me to expound.

I am a terrific speller. Really terrific. And my son has inherited that talent from me. 

And that leads me to another talent. I am quite good at Bananagrams. Being a terrific speller helps, as does the ability to see words in a random bunch of letters. My son and I always pick this game on family game night, because we beat the pants off my husband and daughter.

I can pick objects up with my toes. Both of my kids have this ability as well. It beats bending over all the time! 

I have an uncanny ability to find a chin hair when I am nowhere NEAR a pair of tweezers with which to remove it. Then I dwell on it until such time as I AM near a pair of tweezers.

I can blog with a 24 pound cat lying on my right arm while at the same time head-butting my free hand, trying to cop a scratch on the head. (He is alternating this with licking my hand and looking adoringly into my eyes.)

I'd take a current pic, but that would
require that I have three hands.

I hate to brag, but there's probably no one better than me at avoiding housework. See? Doing it right now.

I'm also a gifted procrastinator in general. And I have passed that trait on to my son.
When pressed, my 14 year old daughter allowed that I was good at baking and chauffering her to all of her activities. She threw in "and giving hugs" at the last minute and called it my Mother's Day gift.

My husband contributed that I was excellent at buying produce that I ended up throwing away and at repairing leaky toilet valves.
Gratuitously showing off a senior pic.

I couldn't ask my 17 year old son for his contribution, as he is sleeping as late as possible to avoid studying for two tests that he has this morning. That's my boy.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find a pair of tweezers.

Mama’s Losin’ It

Linking to Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop. Prompt #3 - Describe a talent or flaw that seems to be in your genes. 


  1. I'm good with my toes and the car stereo. LOL! And that chin hair thing happens to me way too often. I swear they crop up in less than 2 hours!

    1. The chin hair thing is a very unfair part of growing older. Your eyes go to crap and then hairs sprout where they shouldn't? Where's the fairness in that?!

  2. My brothers and I have the same picking things up with the toes talent. It makes my sisters-in-law cringe. I found it extremely helpful when carrying various numbers of children around all day long.
    Never played Bananagrams. More of a Scrabble family we are. Though they do play it at school.

    1. My husband acts like he's grossed out by the toe talent, but he is secretly jealous because he can't do it with his sausage toes.

  3. Avoiding housework is my specialty. I knew we had lots in common Dyanne! I am also terrific at finding stray chin hairs. I think it is a talent we pick up as we get older. Great post. M

    1. Thanks, Miriam! Obviously, we were separated at birth.

  4. Danged chin hairs! They are spontaneous! Mine has tried coming in gray, so I wouldn't notice, but I found it anyway.

    I also have prehensile toes. It definitely comes in handywhen your hands are full!

    1. Some of mine are black, some are snow white, although I prefer to call those "blond." I wish the hair on my head grew as fast as the ones on my chin!

  5. My son and I pick up things with our feet, too! And press buttons, open drawers... Bending over is for suckers.

    1. I don't think I've ever opened my bottom bathroom vanity drawer with anything other than my toes.

  6. Those are some killer skills!!! I am also very adept at avoiding housework! :)

    1. Why, thank you! You know, it's not just ANYBODY who can be adept at avoiding housework. For instance, my mother-in-law is TERRIBLE at it.

  7. That SONG!! It's our family anthem. Growing up, whenever my Mom would get frustrated with all of us kids, she would burst into song and just belt it out. We would get annoyed with her in that "Here she goes again so she can't hear any of us...." but now as adults we all do it. That song has become our safe place and I have no idea why. So glad you shared it!

    1. Thank you! It's probably my most used go-to song for annoying my family (my lack of singing ability has not been a deterrent to me belting one out in front of my kids). And I particularly love the cleverness of the OK Tourism version.
