
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tape: A Six Sentence Story

It was the fall of 1978, my freshman year in college, and my roommate, a high school classmate of mine, and I were going to drive home for the weekend. 

My roommate drove a veritable tank; it was a 1972 Cadillac El Dorado, a hand-me-down from her grandfather. It was big, brown, and roomy, able to take two college girls and their laundry home with room to spare. On subsequent trips, we fit six people plus luggage and dirty clothes into that car, but this trip, it was just the two of us.

Funny how I remember that trip like it was yesterday. There was nothing particularly memorable about it, unlike the time we got stopped by the Highway Patrol in a case of mistaken identity when they were looking for a getaway car from a recent bank robbery that roughly fit the description of my friend's car; I remember it because we spent the entire three hour trip singing along to an 8-track tape of the soundtrack from Grease, over and over and over....

Linking up with Ivy at Uncharted for Six Sentence Stories with the prompt "tape."


  1. What?! You went for nonfiction this time? (I'm assuming.)
    Great story, though! I bet you can't listen to Grease without thinking of that trip.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A case of mistaken identity ... tough situation... Though later it appears funny at that moment mind stops working!

  4. I am sure we all have a "pull over situation" in our past that we remember to this day. Enjoyed the read.

  5. ok what the hell! you and Kristi decide to switch places this week? lol (no, not really surprised, even at the synchronicity of her flipping over to the land of make-believe the same time you go in the opposite direction…. odd and fun things are the routine, here in never-maybe-neverland)

  6. After my car was stolen, repaired, and returned to me ,i was stopped for having a stolen vehicle. The dmv never removedmy plates from the list. They towed thecar and i had to go down to the station ligjts and sirens ablaze until it could be straightened out. Cost me over a hundred bucks with tow and getting it out of the impound.

  7. After my car was stolen, repaired, and returned to me ,i was stopped for having a stolen vehicle. The dmv never removedmy plates from the list. They towed thecar and i had to go down to the station ligjts and sirens ablaze until it could be straightened out. Cost me over a hundred bucks with tow and getting it out of the impound.

  8. Some of my best memories where singing in the car with my friend. We tooled around in her boyfriend's Fiat convertible two seater. We were so cool. We thought we were Carly Simon and Linda Ronstadt. Good memories.

  9. I bet that was the best car trip! That Grease soundtrack is so fun!!

  10. Love it! I had a 1973 dark green Lincoln Continental handed down to me (via my mom, via her dad, my grandfather. I had to learn to parallel park in that car. Is it any wonder I flunked my driver's test the first time? I still can't parallel park! xox jean

  11. Some of the very best memories are the everyday ones--life with a friend and contentment.

  12. Ahh yes, that marvelous invention the 8-track tape! We did indeed play them over and over until the tapes work out from pure exhaustion. And then came cassette tapes which met the same fate. Somehow the convenience of digital music isn't nearly as "cool" as rewinding errant cassette tapes with a pencil, or crying when your favorite 8-track bit the dust!
